Who am I Personal information
- DATE OF BIRTH: December 21, 1955.
- MARITAL STATUS: Married (children: 25, 16 and 11 years)
- Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. Faculty of Agriculture, Kumasi, Ghana, (PhD., Reproductive. Physiology)----- 1996 to 2001
- University of Ibadan, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ibadan, Nigeria, (M.Sc. Veterinary Anatomy)--- 1988 to 1990
- Ahmadu Bello University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zaria, Nigeria, (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine DVM)--- 1976 to 1981
What I do
Specialization/Research interests
General Veterinary Clinician involved in small and Large animal practice since July 1981. Got interested in Veterinary Reproductive Anatomy, Physiology Genital Diseases and Obstetrics (Theriogenology). Currently involved in studying the interactive effects of Reproduction and Disease interaction in farm animals in the northern Zone of Ghana. The various Papers at seminars, workshops, conferences, symposia and in referred journals over the years address issues on development oriented animal agriculture at community, national and international levels. An advocate of team building and teamwork as well as joint authorship and mentorship of colleagues and students
Employment And Experience 1981 – 1982: Animal husbandry Officer 1: Employed by the Sokoto State Ministry of Rural Development and Cooperatives Nigeria, as Animal Husbandry Officer.
1982 – 1987: Lecturer II: Employed as Lecturer/Researcher at Ahmadu Bello University, Division of Agricultural Colleges, Zaria, Nigeria.
1987 – 1992: Lecturer I: Employed as Lecturer in the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, University of Sokoto, Nigeria,
1992 – 1993: Senior Veterinary Officer ( SVO, Civilian) From November 1992, employed by the Ministry of Defense (37 Military Hospital) Accra, Ghana as an SVO.
1993 -- 1996: Lecturer: Employed as Lecturer in the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana,
1996 to September 2005. Senior Lecturer .
2004/2005 Part-time Lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture Education, UEW, Mampong-Ash. Campus.
Associate Professor in the Department of Animal Science Education, Mampong (2005 to date..)
• Ag. Head of Department, Veterinary Anatomy, FVS, Usmanu Danfodio University, (University of Sokoto) Nigeria (1988-1989)
• Ag. Head of Department, Theriogenology, FVS, Usmanu Danfodio University, University of Sokoto, Nigeria (1989-1992).
• Ag. Head, Department of Animal Science University For Development Studies, Tamale, (1993 – 1996 and 2001 to 2005).
•(2008 to Date..) Dean, Faculty of Agriculture Education, College of Agriculture Education, Mampong-Ashanti.Ghana
My Contacts
==PERMANENT ADDRESS==: P. O. Box 19, Berekum, Ghana.
=MAILING CONTACT ADDRESSES=: Department of Animal Science Education, UEW, P. O. Box 40, Mampong-Ash, (E-mail: Mobile/Cell: 00233208166724 ==Journals/Articles Proceedings PUBLICATIONS (REFEREED/PUBLISHED PROCEEDINGS):
1) Salami, J O, Abechi and Djang, K.T.F (1984). Histomoniasis In a backyard Poultry Farm. Nig. Vet. J. 13 (1) 63-64.
2) Abechi, A S and Djang, K.T.F, (1984) String eating Vice in Poultry. Nigerian Livestock Farmer. Vol. 4.(3): 19-20.
3) Kumi-Diaka, J., Djang, K.T.F., Sekoni, V. O. and Ogwu, D. (1985). Effect of different Husbandry Systems on the Reproductive performance of sheep in Northern Nigeria. Theriogenology 23 (4) 585-591.
4) Yusufu, H. I., Kumi-Diaka, J and Djang, K.T.F. (1987). Gross Pathological Studies of the Genitalia of Camel in Nigeria. Samaru J. Agric. Edu. 1 (1) 1-3.
5) Salami, J.O., Djang, K.T.F. and Egege S C (1987). Canine Spirocercosis. A Case Report. Nig. Vet. J. 15 (1) 35-36.
6) Ezeh, C.C, Omokore, D.F. and Djang, K.T.F. (1987). Socio-Economic factors affecting the adoption of artificial insemination techniques of Fulani Pastoralists. Samaru J Agric Education 1 (2) 51-58.
7) Djang, K.T.F., Harun, B.A., Kumi-Diaka, J., Yusuf, H.I. and Udoma, M.G. (1988). Clinical and anatomical studies of the Camel (Camelus dromedarius) genitalia. Theriogenology 30 (5): 1023-1031.
8) Djang, K.T.F. and Ofori-Sarpong, E. (1987). The Camel and Desert Encroachment in Sokoto state. THE SAHELIAN Vol. 1 (1) 44-50.
9) Akingbemi, B.T., Djang K.T.F and Aire, T.A. (1989). Freemartinism in a quadruplet from a Sokoto Gudali (Bos indicus) Cow. Tropical Veterinarian 12:26-29.
10) Djang, K.T.F, Aire, T.A. and Arowolo, R.O. (1994). Effect of gossypol on Cauda epididymal suspension spermatozoa in Wistar rats. Israel J Vet Med 49(4) 149-151.
11) Djang, K.T.F. and Bel-nono, S.O. (1995). Equine Thelaziasis. Agribusiness & Build. Times. Vol. 2 (24): 2.
12) Djang, K.T.F and Daneji, A, I. (1995). Ejaculate Characteristics of local Hunting dogs among Fulani herds in West Africa. Development Focus. Vol 1.(1): 12-13.
13) Daneji, A. I., Djang, K.T.F. and Ogunsan, E.A. (1996). Actinobacillus lignieresi Infection in Camels on the Sokoto Plains, Nigeria. Trop. Anim. Hth Prod. (1996). 28: 315-316.
14) Kumi-Diaka, J. and Djang-Fordjour, K.T. (1997). Preliminary Quantification of Spermatogenesis (Dairy Sperm Production) and Epididymal Sperm Reserve in the Camel (Camelus dromedarius) in Nigeria. Journal of U.S.T., Vol.7 No 1&2 pp 135-138.
15) Djang-Fordjour, K.T., Hemingway, R.G., Cameron, C. and Fishwick, G. (1998). Calf Serum Immunoglobulin Estimations Requiring Minimal Facilities and Skills. Proceedings, Nutrition Society Of Scotland, Volume 57 No 4: 140-141.
16) Djang-Fordjour, K.T., Cameron, C., Fishwick, G., and Hemingway, R.G. (1998). Reliability of Some Simple Methods For Assessing The Immunoglobulin Status Of New-Born Calves. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science. Science Volume 31: 63-69
17) Djang-Fordjour, K.T. and Hemingway, R.G. (1999). Conforming to Standards in Animal Production: Reproductive Terms and Definitions. J. Ghana Sci. Assoc. (Special Edition) 2 (1): 64-68.
18) Djang, K.T.F. and Adoma, K. O. (1999). Genital diseases of Male Goats Brought to the Tamale Abattoir. J. Ghana Sci. Assoc. Vol. 2 (1): 45-48.
19) Djang-Fordjour, K.T., Osei, S. A., Tuah, A. K., Dei, H.K. (2002). The effect of deworming and feed supplementation of Djallonké ewes on the plasma immunoglobulin levels of their lambs. J. Ghana Sci. Assoc. Vol. 4 ( 1 ) : 58 – 62.
20) Otchere, E.O., Abebrese, A., Karbo, N., Dei, H.K. and Djang-Fordjour, K.T. (2002). Productivity of small ruminants in the Tolon-Kumbungu District of the Northern Region of Ghana. Development Spectrum Vol. 2 : 9-19.
21) Djang-Fordjour, K.T., Osei, S.A. and Tuah, A.K. (2002). The effect of helminthosis and cottonseed supplementation on some biochemical parameters of Djallonke gimmers in the Northern zone of Ghana. Development Spectrum Vol. 2 : 36-45.
22) Dei, H.K., Zeng, D., Teye, G.A., Djang-Fordjour, K.T., Otchere, E.O. and Dzoagbe, G.S.K. (2002). Production and hygiene quality of ‘khebab’ in the Tamale Municipality. Development Spectrum Vol. 2: 46-51.
23) Dei, H.K., Akumperiga, R., Teye, G.A., Djang-Fordjour, K.T., Otchere, E.O. and Dzoagbe, G.S.K. (2002). Livestock importation through the boarder posts of Upper East and Upper West Regions of Ghana. (2004). Development Spectrum. Vol. 2 : 52-57.
24) Dei, H.K., Ofosu, B.Y., Otchere, E.O., Djang-Fordjour, K.T. and Dzoagbe, G.S.K. (2002). Processed production from cassava and blood (PPCB): An alternative low cost Feed for broiler Chickens. Development Spectrum Vol. 2 : 58.
25) Djang-Fordjour, K.T (2003). Clinico-medical treatment of pyometra in the bitch (Canis familiaris) in Tamale: J. Ghana Sci. Assoc. Vol. 5 No. 1 pp 52 – 53.
26) Djang-Fordjour, K.T., Asare-Mantey, G., Bediako, J.A. and Otchere, E.O. (2003). The Uses and management practices for Draught animals in the Northern Zone of Ghana. Draught Animal News. No 39. December 2003.
27) Dei, H.K, Otchere, E.O, and Djang-Fordjour, K.T. (2004). Improving Brooding Management of rural Guinea Fowl Production. The Savannah Farmer, Vol. 4(1) : 3 June 2004
28) Dei, H. K., Hamza, A., Otchere, E. O., Djang-Fordjour, K. T. and Dzoagbe, G. S. K. (2004). Influence of meat products served at some drinking bars and sale of beverages in the Tamale Municipality. Ghana J. Dev. Studies. Vol. 1: 49 – 60.
29) Djang-Fordjour, K.T. Oppong Anane, K. and Annor, S.Y. (2004). Herd/Flock structure and culling patterns in rural livestock farming systems in Northern Ghana. Discovery and Innovation, Academy Science Publishers, African Academy of Sciences, Nairobi, Kenya, Vol. 16, (1 – 2) : 64-70.
30) Dei, H. K., Manukure, S.A., Gyawu, P., Djang-Fordjour, K.T., Djang-Fordjour, K. T. and). Otchere, E. O. (2005). Nutritive value of a processed product from cassava and blood for broiler finishers. Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science Volume 1 No 1 :1-6
31) Teye. G. A Munkaila, ,M. Dei H. K, Djang-Fordjour K. T., Otchere E.O. and Dzoagbe G. S. K. (2005). Carcass characteristics of the male and female broiler chicken Proceedings of the 27th Ghana Animal Science Association (GASA) Symposium held at the Radach Memorial Conference Center, Tamale from 18th to 21st August.pp48-54
32) Karbo N., Otchere E. O., Mohammed Y. S., Avornyo F. K., Dei,. H. K. Oppong-Anane K and. Djang-Fordjour K. T (2005). Studies into the nutritive value of shea nut cake as livestock feedstuff: Preliminary findings on growth response by sheep on shea nut cake-based diets. Proceedings of the 27th Ghana Animal Science Association (GASA) Symposium held at the Radach Memorial Conference Center, Tamale from 18th to 21st August. pp 60-69
33) Otchere E. O., Abebrese A.,. Karbo N,. Dei H. K and. Djang-Fordjour K. T (2005). Small ruminant holding sizes and structures in the Tolon-Kumbungu district of the Northern Region of Ghana: Implications for breed improvement. Proceedings of the 27th Ghana Animal Science Association (GASA) Symposium held at the Radach Memorial Conference Center, Tamale from 18th to 21st August. pp pp71-79
34) Agyei, A. D, Aklaku. I. K, Debra, S. O, Djang-Fordjour, K. T, Dodo, R, and Fynn, K. (2005). Epidemiological studies on the gastrointestinal parasitic infection of lambs in the guinea and transitional savanna regions of Ghana. Ghana Jnl. agric. Science NARS Edition No1. pp135-144
35) Djang-Fordjour, K.T. Annor S.Y, .Dzoagbe, G.S.K. Agbolosu, A.A, and Ansah, T. (2005). Performance of women grasscutter farmers in the Northern Region of Ghana. Proceedings of the First International Forum on Promoting Grasscutter Production As a Business in West Africa, held at the Institute of Local Government Studies in Accra, Dec 12-16. pp 170-174
36) Djang-Fordjour, K. T. Annor S.Y. (2005). Empowering the Teacher to stimulate the youth into grasscutter production in Primary and Second Cycle Institutions in Ghana. Proceedings of the First International Forum on Promoting Grasscutter production As a Business in West Africa, held at the Institute of Local Government Studies in Accra, Dec 12-16. pp 174-176
37) Yidana, J.A, Adda, C.Y, Sumaila S.J, Addo-Kwafo, A, Apiiga S.Y, and Djang-Fordjour, K.T. (2006). Ethnoveterinary Survey in Northern Ghana. A Monoghraph Report sponsored by ACDEP Tamale, Ghana. 117pp.