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[math]X_(t) = X_0 + vt [/math]

[math] \Delta x = v\Delta t[/math]

[math]V= \frac {x}{t} [/math]
[math]V = \frac {X_1 - X_0} {\Delta t}[/math]

[math]x_1 (t) = x_2 (t)[/math]

[math]x_1 + v_1 t = x_2+ v_2 t[/math]

[math]x_1 - X_2 = ( v_2 - v_2 )t[/math]

[math]t = \frac {x_1 - x_2}{v_2 - v_1}[/math]

[math]t = \frac {173m - 25m}{28km/h - 11km/h}[/math]

Aufgabe 2.4 (Fortsetzung von Aufgabe 2.3)
d) Welche Strecke hat das Fahrzeug beim Erreichen der Höchstgeschwindigkeit zurückgelegt? Welche Strecke liegt es zwischen der 60. und der 100. Sekunde zurück? Welche bis zum Ende der Fahrt?

[math]X_(t) = 0.5 x a x t[/math]

[math] a = \frac {\Delta v} {\Delta t} [/math]

[math]a = \frac {\Delta v} {\Delta t}[/math]


Klaksas funktion.gif


1 movements with constant acceleration

          O 1.1 experiment 2.1: accelerating a cart on an inclined plane 
          O 1.2 Exercise 2.1: Analysis of the experiment 2.1 
          O 1.3 Exercise 2.2: Experiment 2.1 with a different inclination
          O 1.4 Theory of the acceleration 
          O 1.5 Exercise 2.3: Checking the acceleration

Movements with constant acceleration Experiment 2.1: accelerating a cart on an inclined plane

We use the same experimental setup as in the experiment 1.1, except that this time the level at which the car is rolling down is even more inclined. We call this a inclined plane. Not only friction is balanced, but also the car is getting faster and faster. The result is an accelerated movement.

Control strip of a movement on the inclined plane, track (A)

Examine the control strip, which is described . by the needle. Whereby do you recognize that the velocity increases in the course of time? Exercise 2.1: Analysis of the experiment 2.1

Determine the current velocity of the cart at time t = 0.1 s, 0.2-, 0.3-… and compile the results in a diagram! Use two neighbouring needle stitches!

The paper has a checkered box width of 0.50 cm.

Note: The amount of time between two stitches is only 1 / 50 s = 0.02 s, not 1 / 100, as in experiment 1.1, as the electromagnet works with a frequency of 50 Hz.

Now make a proper tv-Diagram of the movement! Consider first the size of axles and their inscription!


Christophs Nikitas Aufgabe

Christö beschleunigt einen Stein(600g) mit einer Kreisschleuder (vertikal im Uhrzeigersinn r=1m), dabei stoppt sein Freund Kai-Uwe die Zeit und zählt die Rundenanzahl.Dann lässt Christö die Schleuder los so dass der Stein waagrecht gegen eine Autoscheibe fliegt (Unelastisch der Aufprall dauert 0,03s ). Die Scheibe hält höchstens 0.50kN stand. bei einer grösseren Krafteinwirkung zerbricht die scheibe.

Zerbrich die Scheibe oder nicht? wenn nicht wieviel hat gefehlt?