About me
My name is Mathew Kituu. I am the director of Kificom Computers, Kenya. Kificom is an ICT support firm specializing in ICT support and consultancy for learning institutions. I am also involved in the coordination of activities for the eLearning Consortium, North Rift Region, Kenya. I hold a bachelors degree in Tourism management. Due to my experience and passion in ICT at the university six years ago, I started working with schools in Uasin Gishu district on introduction of ICT in teaching and learning.
- With time, I established myseelf in over 100 schools and with the support of SNV Netherlands Development Organization and other partners, I started scaling the projects to neighboring districts. :This saw the birth of the North-Rift elearning Consortium, which has acted as a very strong vehicle to drive the whole process of integrating ICTs into teaching and learning and school management.
- By now, the eLearning Consortium has attracted a number of organizations, both locals and multinationals who are willing to support the projects which are currently serving over 100 schools on pilot basis.
I have been moving round the country training teachers on how to integrate ICT into teaching and learning. Currently, Am spearheading development of innovative teachers to act as a model test for eLearning adoption in education as well as supporting implementation of Education Management Information System (EMIS) program in North Rift which was developed by the ministry of education in 2006 to assist in data collection in schools. Am also inducting District Education officers on usage and importance of ICTs in their daily activities.
Through Kificom Computers, I introduced a ground-breaking technology that reduces the cost of printing by over 70% for schools. It involves refilling and recycling used printer cartridges (both ink and toner) instead of buying a new cartridge every time they run out of ink/ toner. This technology is currently being used in schools where teachers and students are allowed to print free of charge as long as they come with their printing papers.
- I also attended the 3rd International conference on ICT for development, Education and Training held in Accra in July 2008 where I gained a lot of experience on ICT integration in education which am using in supporting adoption of elearning initiatives.
- In 2009, I attended the 4th International conference on ICT for development, Education and Training held in Dakar, Senegal, where I presented a paper on Multi-stakeholder Approaches in supporting adoption of eLearning.
- This year, again I presented a paper in Zambia, Lusaka on ICT for Peace in schools.
- Currently am working on preparing teachers and other educators to participate in the 6th eLearning Africa Conference to be held in Tanzania, Daresallam, next year. [[File:[
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