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Contact-new.svg Oliver Loveday
Employer:De Anza
Occupation:Student in CIS2
Flag of United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom
Flag of USA.svg USA

25 year old student who loves to travel and play sports. Other than that I like to play video games and go to the movies with my friends.

Individual Project

1. Introductions

Selected Media

After reading the 17 sustainable developmental goals on the United Nations I decided to choose the second article I read on how refugee parents use Facebook and WhatsApp to teach their kids crucial learning skills. I found it very interesting that for example the mobile platform Vroom was used to help teach kids how to learn while their parents did their everyday tasks. For example a mom would do dishes and her child would stack the dishes using building skills based off of sizes of dishes. Another was for a child to learn patterns while clothes are being folded. I found it insane that even though these tasks seem simple, the article brings out that more than 3.7 million Syrian children were born before the civil war there so all they know is violence and poverty.


Computer and Society Websites - Best Choice*

The article I chose was on how social media truly impacts society. The article talks about the different impacts social media has on society including business, casual and even for privacy. It made me wonder, how much of an impact does social media have on our every day life negatively? For privacy social media can be a really bad exposure to hackers and people who are trying to steal your identity. Think about it, often times we are on applications that have our birthday, our phone number and names. If we are not careful our identities can easily be stolen. Also if you're applying to a new job, employers have easy access to your social media accounts and can see any negative comments you have may written in the past which may lead them to no longer consider you as a candidate. For casual, introverts and anti social people now have even more reasons to stay in a shell because social media gives people the opportunity to have constant communication with people without having to be face to face. Last but not least, cyber bullying is so easy to achieve because people can say hurtful things to others while avoiding confrontation. Not all social media is bad, but it definitely does have negative impacts on society. All we can do is continue to learn and be more safe while being online. 


2. Privacy and Freedom of Speech

Privacy and Personal Information - Best Choice *

This article talks about how people think they have full control to their privacy on their computers at work but that actually the 4th amendment doesn't expressively state an individual has a right to privacy. Based on this article statistics show that people at work are almost always being monitored. Numbers went from 48% to 74% in a few years on amount of people being monitored at work. It goes on to say that privacy laws are really at the governmental level and state laws do not always address privacy. Of course it is common sense to not do anything stupid on a work computer, it goes to show that even if you think your computer has some sense of privacy, your management can easily find out what you're doing or saying. I chose this article because I have had many jobs where I was given a work computer and even if I'm acting professionally, I don't like the idea of being monitored. Overall my question is why is privacy more strict at the governmental level than it is at the state level? Isn't privacy everywhere important? Are there things currently in motion to adopt more state level privacy laws?


Blogs/Vlogs of Interest

A favorite vlogger of mine is Johnny Edlind. He is a european model and vlogs all over the world. I like to watch this guy's vlog because the stigma behind models is that they are conceited and uptight but not Johnny. He is really nice and makes a lot of jokes and travels all over the world. For me he is living the dream of any 20 year old guy, travel and take pictures while making money. But besides all of that, he shows you how to take amazing photos and how to make nothing out of something. He could find the nastiest trash can and turns it into the coolest photo ever. Last but not least he is very transparent and is open to his fans. He answers all questions like his camera, what he puts in his hair and his diet. I think that's awesome because a lot of famous people like to keep their secrets to keep their success going. I love to travel and take pictures myself, so this guy really helps me learn how to get the most out of every shot. 


(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

3. Intellectual Property

Internet Predictions Database

This link is a review of the survey summary "the 5 worst internet predictions" Essentially it reviews how industry consultants inaccurately predicted Jupiter Communications in relations to E-commerce economic growth. They predicted an average of 2-3 billion in business to consumer revenue but it ended up being over 13 billion!

Link: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Why do you think in the mid 90's that revenue predictions of online commercial transactions were drastically off? It was off by more than 11 billion dollars. Why wouldn't internet transactions blow up if it's saving people from time and distance delays? It continues to blow my mind however that this number is still increasing for ecommerce at such a high rate. (23%)

Intellectual Property Keywords - Best Choice *

The first keyword I chose was Piracy. Based on this article piracy is defined as an unauthorized copying of content that is copyrighted, usually sold at a lower price than the original market price. When I think of piracy on an everyday basis I think of those pirated movies sold on the streets or CD's. Because I see it pretty much everyday by my local liquor store, I thought it would be an interesting topic to choose.

Link: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

The second keyword I chose was Open Source. Open Source defined by the article is essentially something that is publicly accessible that people can modify or share. For example open source software is software that has a source code people can alter or tweak to improve a program or application. I chose this because it's the first time in my life I have ever heard of open source and I think it's pretty cool people can modify something publicly accessible to make programs/apps better. 

Link: https:/

4. Crime

Hacked - Now what? - Best Choice *

If someone I knew or myself had an identity stolen I would recommend these tips from the article, "How to Recover your Identity after Identity Theft". First off even though it will be hard to do I would try not to panic, panic will lead you to make irrational decisions. Most of the time identity is stolen they start spending your money. In that case just contact your credit bureaus and let them know of the theft. You can freeze and repair. After recovering from theft, you can't stop there. You have to get theft protection and take all the necessary steps to prevent future theft. Best advice is to not sit around and wait for matters to get worse, instead start managing the damage that has happened and repair from there.

Link: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Social Bookmarking

My friends and I use Reddit is awesome for finding anything that I am interested in. I could type in any subject or picture and it will lead me to a bunch of different forums that people share and discuss. To be completely honest I think reddit is the anti hero of the 3 sites mentioned because anytime a scandal or something leaked by a celebrity is out you can definitely find it on reddit. I have friends who refuse to use any other social media platform because reddit literally has everything you need.


5. Employment, Education and Entertainment

Open Textbooks - Best Choice *

Link: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

I chose this open textbook because it is about the American Government and I feel like there are a lot of things I don't know about in this government. Whenever I hear political terms or anything with the government, my brain tunes out because I have no idea about the subject. Difference of cost to me is very important because if you don't receive financial aid, you not only have to pay a lot for classes, you have to buy the books and materials. Having low cost or free text books makes everything easier for me and currently no other class I am taking is offering an open textbook. In fact I dropped a science class because the book was 84$. That was after I already paid like 450$ for my classes.

Accessibility Simulations

Before this simulation when I heard people talk about dyslexia I often thought maybe one or two words they saw backwards or a letter backwards. I would always think it wasn't a big deal and thought people blamed dyslexia for their bad spelling or comprehension. But after taking this simulation I feel bad for all the times I doubted people. I immediately tried to read the words fast and when I couldn't I just skimmed through and realized I didn't comprehend much at all. After taking my time on it my eyes started to hurt and I got really frustrated. This really put people's issues with dyslexia into perspective for me.  

6. Midterm - Grand Challenges

Saving Coral Reefs - Best Choice*

Coral Reefs are essential to the survival of the aquatic biome and also serve as protection for many marine organisms. They benefit us directly by serving as a buffer/protection for our coastlines from storms, waves and floods. Things like overfishing, pollution and acidification can kill these coral reefs. For example plastic waste can break down and cause coral bleaching which kill the algae and ultimately affect marine organisms. Below are links to what happens due to damaged reefs and how in particular Belize is taking efforts to protect theirs. Also how scientists and entrepreneurs are teaming up to create coral reefs themselves.

Link: to an external site.

Link: to an external site.

Link: to an external site.

7. Evaluating and Controlling Technology

Visitors and Residents

Based off of the article link posted I would say I am both a resident and a visitor. Resident of course because I am very big on social media (not always proud of it) and it's a way to connect with my friends and family that I don't always see. However more often than not I am a visitor because I am constantly just searching random things for my personal questions/needs. Nothing more to it than just needing quick answers to my questions. 


Learning Literacies - Share It - Best Choice *

Link: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

The article I chose was how to respond to negative feedback. I chose this article because when collaborating or networking with others you have to be ready to receive some feedback. People are different, we know this, so sometimes we will receive harsh comments or negative feedback. How we react can entirely change what happens following the feedback. This article talks about a few ways to respond in the right way. One that caught my attention specifically was to not be a lonely martyr. I found this interesting because we can receive feedback we don't like and isolate ourselves in disappointment or we can get closer to the people who are telling the truth and continue to improve. It's like what they say with friendship, you want a friend that will tell you straight to your face about your actions instead of behind your back. Also not being too quick to react. This often times leads to making people feel like you have a huge ego and can't be worked with or trusted. 

8. Risks, Failures and Responsibilities

Risk, Failures and Responsibilities Keywords - Best Choice *

The three keywords that I have chosen are safety, failures and consequences.

Link: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


This article talks about tips on how to keep your home computer safe and secure. Things are like always backing up your data, not giving away sensitive information and checking your firewall are the highlights. Another tip I found useful was to stay away from rogue websites. I chose this article because our home computers usually hold valuable information about us and we want to do everything to keep that information safe and secure. 


Link: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

This article is about the infamous Samsung 7 phone that kept blowing up on people. There was mystery for awhile about what was causing the problem but Samsung finally released the reason for their failures. Apparently there were issues with the battery not having enough space between the heat sealed protective pouch around the battery. I chose this article because I remember being at the airport and they were not allowing anyone on the plane with that kind of phone. Imagine if that phone blew up on a plane, it's scary to think about. 


Link: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

This article is about protecting children from downloading illegal content that could potentially add viruses to the computer. For the most part kids are innocent and that can be the reason for landing on these illegal sites because they made an accident. If no one is there to monitor they could be facing consequences like illegal file sharing and viruses. I liked this article because not only children can access these sites but adults as well. If we are not careful we too could be potentially opening up our computers for virus exposure. 

Interaction Information Discovery Search

I recently for another class did a paper on deforestation of tropical rainforests and I struggled to find information on current solutions to the problems. A lot of the information was old and it had to be current solutions. When I used this new search engine I was amazed on how many articles popped up about solutions and where the solutions were taking place. Another cool thing that I liked was the graph that popped up breaking down all the key points of deforestation that I needed. It was a bit laggy on certain links and I can see definitely the page could look a little more organized for professionalism. 


9. Anytime, Anywhere

Social Innovations

Link: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

The social issue discussed here is how to teach teachers the magic in getting their students engaged. He talks about that some teachers will have students do 60 page research papers and have no engagement, leaving the students wondering how this will help them. And that if there is a really good teacher people will just say "oh they have that magic". When asked how they can be taught this magic, he proposes that teachers go outside their comfort zone and visit places like barber shops, rap shows and black churches. It's innovative because it can teach more dull teachers how to engage an audience and really connect with their students. 

Anytime, Anywhere Keywords - Best Choice *

The keywords that I chose were geo-locating and E-wallet. 

Link:  (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Rate(5/5) - Geo-locating

This article had plenty of explanations on what geo-locating means, how it's used and what to look out for. Very detailed with good examples.

This articles talks about geo-locating being a geographical location of an internet connected device. More so your devices location and not your location. To go in to detail the user has to allow location settings to be on and when browsing the internet it will ask for your location. There are many benefits to geo-locating like being able to check the weather based off of location, track history, post Instagram stories with your location etc.

Link: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Rate (5/5) - E wallet

This article was straight to the point about description and what it's used for. Very short article but answered everything you would need to know about what is an E wallet and how is it used and what are the benefits. 

This article talks about that E wallet is an electronic way to pay for things whether it be through online or your smartphone. It serves as a substitute for a debit or credit card. Everything is obviously linked through the user's bank account and provides people with another option of convenience and safety.  

10. Technology Advances, Social Trends

Future of Computers - Best Choice *

Link: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

In this article it talks about machine learning and for this instance a robot. In the past machine learning was only able to make predictions based off of other known data. Professors from MPI were able to develop a new learning method that would allow a machine to accurately extrapolate to unseen situations. They go on to say that the problem with machines in the past is that the equations were far too difficult for any human to understand and that they developed a new way equation that was simple enough to go into a textbook. So far this beta is only being worked on a robot but with further success and research it is hoped to be used in x rays and larger machine processing equipment.

I think this will be a good thing because professors are finding new ways to develop a different way machines are able to learn. By having this new method it will allow machines to not only process things it can know but also perceive outside of what is known and recognize danger. Nothing is 100% with predictions but I find it very interesting how there are ways to develop new equations to enhance machine learning. 

Interesting Quantitive Facts

Link: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

This article talks about interesting and fun statistics when it comes to technology. Some fun ones I'd like to share is 88% of people who search for a local business or food go to that place within 24 hours. This showed me that like we talked previously, a lot of us are visitors. We search for what we need and we get on with it. 81% of Americans now have a social media and that has went up 5% from last year. I thought that was interesting because it shows the dependency and how much our society is entertainment driven. Last but not least 69% of digital media time was spent on mobile devices and that proves my point that we are on the go type humans and majority of the time we are accessing things on our phones and tablets as conveniently as possible.