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Contact-new.svg Kevin Lien
Employer:De Anza
Flag of USA.svg USA
Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg Papua New Guinea

Hello Kevin Lien here, De Anza college student. Currently enrolled in CIS2.

I am a avid trance listener and electronic music lover, car admirer, I suffer from both hypo & hypersomnia. I also drink my drinks quickly because I am too lazy to hold them in my hand sometimes. Nice to meet you all.

Individual Project Media Selections

Topic 1: Introductions

BEST for topic 1

Source: media list from topic 1 wikieducator page.

I think for a beginning chapter it helps put into perspective the global demand for opportunities to move to the United States. It's an eye opener and appropriate for the first chapter.

Source: media list from topic 1 wikieducator page.

I chose this link because I also thought this was an appropriate link to put in the first chapter. A vast majority of people consume internet through a small sample of browsers and utilize a similar selection of search engines. This was a good way to introduce lesser known alternatives.

Topic 2: Privacy and Freedom of Speech

BEST for topic 2

Source: new search result that I came up with

The link pertains to privacy, aside from internet service providers, and virtual private network providers, nobody else needs to know what you're doing on the web. You're free to go where you please without the prying eye of a techsavy stalker.

Source: this selection was one that I posted for the one of the assignments

There's a lot of political turmoil and a lot of things happening in relation to people and speech. Especially with hate speech, it's important to know that although freedom of speech is important it protects without prejudice all sorts of speech including hate speech.

Topic 3: Intellectual Property

BEST for topic 3

Source: new search

The reason I picked this new search is because although in my keyword search I put in a link for the actual site of github instead of an article about the keyword open source. Open source is a way to exchange knowledge and invite talented and willing people to join in community driven projects. It cultivates skills in project work, teamwork, critical thinking, and to some extent software and application design.

Source: new search

I picked this link because I didn't understand what exactly was intellectual property was. Property I knew was a tangible object that you had ownership was, but what about ideas? Things that you manifest with your thoughts. I thought it would be important to make a distinction so I chose this as a keyword link.

Topic 4: Crime

BEST for topic 4

Sourche: new search

I picked a link about the Silk Road due to how infamous the actual site was. It made national headlines, if you think cyber crime you think hacking right? Well there was 1 to 2 billion dollar valuated website that facilitated a black market trade for years that nobody wants to talk about. Very interesting stuff that I think is important, especially because I most relate with a centralized libertarian view.

Source: new search

Trojan horses, along with many other bugs you can get while perusing the net are a huge security breach. If you get one you need to wipe your whole system. I think this is a useful opener to raise awareness and let people have better computer security.

Topic 5: Employment, Education, Entertainment

BEST for topic 5

Source: new search

I apologize for all these new links but I think I wanted to mention since it is near and dear to my heart. I am a video game nerd essentially, grew up with it here in the silicon valley, and it's making a huge dent in the entertainment world. As nowadays more entertainment is consumed online, a massive streaming platform like this is oh so enticing and oh so entertaining. There's a reason amazon bought it for $1 billion dollars.

Source: topic 5 wikieducator media selections

I picked this one because I'm a big supporter of nurturing certain skills to survive in the workplace. This list one of many great sources to help with developing your skill set to not only survive but thrive in the workplace.

Topic 6: Grand Challenge

Fintech industry tackling the problem of feeding the world. Various companies under this listing.

Another article on how companies are tackling different variables of plant production such as temperature and yield.

More financial incentives to join the race to feed the growing world population.

Topic 7: Evaluating and Controlling Technology

BEST for topic 7

Source: topic 7 media list

The list basically goes on about all the pros and cons about net neutrality and political policy affecting the fair and equal distribution of internet speeds. This affects people all across the nation of United States of America, it has long reaching affects to industries that haven't even been made yet. This branches out to level of government because you'd be wise to select governors that can push the right policies for your benefit and not the benefit of internet service providing corporations.

Source: topic 7 media list

I picked this one because the webMD site is infamous for spurring a huge onslaught of computer chair doctors, I know a host of doctors that I've had conversations with complain about people coming in telling the doctor, assuring them that it was this sort of ailment when the doctor is the one going through schooling to make the diagnosis. It's a relatively harmless site, there's not much to "control" there unless there's misinformation being printed. These days it's always good to fact check and source confirm.

Topic 8: Risks Failures and Responsibilities

BEST for topic 8

Source: topic 8 media selections

I chose this one because it relates to a topic where my friend and I were discussing about the progression of humanity vs the advancement of artificial intelligence. So the back story is that Sophia an AI that once determined the best option for the planet was to destroy humans. We're saying this because if an AI has dubbed that humanity is ultimately a detriment to the planet then isn't working on sentient AI something that we should avoid doing? Is it irresponsible to continue that kind of research? Has no one watched Ex Machina?

Source: topic 8 media selections

This topic was selected for the students who plan on launching their own businesses with plans of making it big, every company or budding entrepreneur knows that they need a website. It's only natural that a website be protected lest a hacker comes in and fudges all the stuff you've been working so hard to build.

Topic 9: Anytime, Anywhere

BEST for topic 9

Source: I got this one from a classmate named Sahiti Chilukuri

I picked this one because the mobile phone, since conception has gained wide spread adoption. The convenience and utility of the mobile phone enabled by mobile applications has revolutionized the world in some way or form. In one way that the mobile phone has affected the world is the use of health awareness by enabling users to make health conscious choices via mobile applications. Health guidance on the go.

Source: new search

This link in particular is in contrast to what was highlighted in the previous link. Mobile phones while extremely powerful tools, without education on what the ramifications are in their use, unwanted symptoms may arise. This proves true in the widespread use of phones and the correlation of rising rates of depression in the population. It's a public health concern and something everyone who nowadays has a phone should know about.

Topic 10: Technology Advances, Social Trends

BEST for topic 10

Source: topic 10 media selection

I picked this one due to the fact that it's hard to visualize what kind of traffic or activity is going on at anytime given when you're surfing the web. Most people access the computer through one or more apparatus but it's singular to whatever use that they want to do, not many people really think about what's going on around them. It gives you a perspective at how massive the internet is considering in the year 2000 some of these services didn't even exist.

Source: topic 10 media selection

This one is a media selection that pushes the notion that learners of today will become the important work force of tomorrow. It follows suit that today's working conditions are continuing to change at a rapid pace, we nurture thinkers that are flexible and adaptable to new and novel things.