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Getting a job

                                               Hakablanim 10\11

  H-P-P company
  Hahalaha 82
  Tel- Aviv                              

Dear Johnson,

My name is Keren Johnes and I'm 30 years old. Before 12 years I have finished high school with bagrut in biotechnology. I was in the army in office with computers and softwares on it. I have been study in "Bar Ilan University" and I have master's degree in computerization and I was working in "Discont bank". I quit from this work last months. I prefer to work on a computer because that I specialize in this, and I know how to program software. Now, after my study and work in the bank I want to work in a good company in constant place. I have study in "Wall Street" school and I know English good. In the end, I feel that I have to work in your company because that I think that I will help your company very match.

You can find me in my cell phone: 0506285544

and in my E-mail :

thanks for your attention and I hope that you will recive me to your group.

Yours Truly,

Keren Johnes

you can find more information in the site: [Resume]