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Contact-new.svg Kelsey Yee
Employer:DeAnza College

Grand Challenges Project This article discusses the benefits and risks we are introduced to when working with artificial intelligence. As we move forward in technology, the usage of artificial intelligence (AI) helps us humans speed up our process with certain projects that would have more room for error and take longer. We can program AI to help us predict patterns and advance our research. The downfall to all of this would be that if we keep programming AI to get stronger over time and to be able to predict more faster and quicker, would would be the use of humans? Without the need for emotions to cloud it's judgement, AI will just think "logically" and not factor in what harm it could make to others. One of the main things that stood out in this article was the safety precautions big names in science was trying to bring to light/give warning to future developers. It was stated in the article "Because AI has the potential to become more intelligent than any human, we have no surefire way of predicting how it will behave." AI is constantly learning; hence the name "artificial intelligence", that we can not predict what it may learn and develop it's way of thinking to adapt to its new environment. Is there a reason for us to fear artificial intelligence as much as we admire it? This article raises the questions we all may be thinking and gives us some answers as to what we can work on to prepare ourselves. The saying goes "with great power comes great responsibility", that could be said as well when it comes to our use of AI with out programs and technology we would incorporate it with. The article even goes to state "While most current applications are used to impact humankind positively, any powerful tool can be wielded for harmful purposes when it falls into the wrong hands." With the use of giving artificial intelligences access to what it needs to perform its duties, with the lack of emotions and empathy, AI could eventually have the "state of mind" like a psycho killer if the program is put to a certain task and have no remorse. There are so many topics that is incorporated into AI to make it really be intelligent and amazing at what it does. Some of the main topics brought up is it being a machine that is constantly learning, have predictive analytics, have intelligent automation, and most of all have deep learning. Within this article, it tells you certain topics for you to have a better understanding and explain what it means to have AI and give you a better background as to how AI is developed. There are guides within this article that explains to the reader of how AI can help companies in the future and how AI will bring companies to the future of technology faster.

Final Project

1. Introductions

For an introduction to this class, I chose the articles I used from our discussion "Selected media - Society" and "Computers and Society Websites". These articles are useful to any reader that doesn't realize that as much as technology is helping us advance as a society, it is also affecting us in a negative way because as technology advances around us, it makes us more reliant on it and not have an individual thought for ourselves. We need to understand that we should not abuse and rely on technology as much as we do if it is not for a "scientific advancement". (Best)

This article discusses how much we rely on technology as it is advancing and how we don't realize relying on technology also hurts us. Yes the advance in technology helped make our jobs easier to communicate and function, but take that away and we are left with nothing but a blank screen.

As useful as technology is in our day-to-day functions, what would happen when we won't have a source of power for all the technology we use? People rely on their mobile devices and electronics so much that their lives are basically crammed into some form of technology. How would society change if our technology was suddenly taken away from us?

This article discusses the topic of how social media has became a more common way of people interacting with each other than in person. How "stranger danger" isn't what it use to be; people are now looking for the acceptance of strangers on social media than just of their peers/friends. There is a lack of physical connection with users (people) due to the fact that people no longer need to see each other face-to-face anymore; everyone is basically a number online. That people are able to virtually "connect" with their followers even though they never met in person. So the main question is: Who was the first one to have it that social media acceptance is more important than anything else in the world? Why is it that anyone can be "famous" on social media even if they have no actual talent, yet there are people to "worship" them?

2. Privacy and Freedom of Speech

I chose from the discussions "Privacy and Personal Information" and "Blogs/Vlogs of Interest". Private and personal information when being a blogger/vlogger seems to be "whatever you want to share with the public". It's what makes them become relatable to their audiences. There are, however, those out there that take it to another level to find out information those blogger/vlogger didn't want their viewers to know; for example where they live.

The security for our private information is very important for us to be mindful of. This article goes over the topic of how VPN can help you be more secure with your information/searches while browsing the internet. Our privacy online is very important for us to be mindful of because then it would be a little easier for hackers to pin-point a way for them to infiltrate our browsers. They could make a pop-up ad look like an actual search browser which if we aren't mindful we could put in our information and give it away to the wrong person.

Have you ever shopped online and got a pop-up that you are unsure if it is from the actual store or a "virus ad". (Best)

The very first vlog i saw from David so was "Vlog #4 Asians in The Library" a few years ago. I found his way of approaching certain topics with a comedic spin a useful way to grab people's attention without being so "this is my opinion so you have to think the same way as me". Within his older vlogs, he would do reactions to topics that people requested him to react with, the one that i chose caught my attention since i feel as though most topics related to asians are overlooked by everyone. David So's approach to his vlogs or "rants" is a good way to show how everyone has their rights to their opinion and how it can either relates to others or it doesn't.

3. Intellectual Property

I chose from the discussions "Intellectual Property keywords" and "Art and Computers". Everything is basically copyright protected if it came from a big company, if it didn't, then it becomes a "free-for-all" for those who don't have an original thought.


In this article, it discusses what can be copyright protected, what it is, and what copyright infringement is. The definition of copyright is the rights to a copy of original work that only one person is given the permission to distribute or keep for themselves. Copyright protection is a very common issue that creators on Youtube have to encounter and worry about when they post their content. There are a lot of copyright protected music that everyone gets flagged on in Youtube that really makes users have to be mindful on what they use. (Best)

This article brings up the good and bad topics with how the internet is changing how the music industry is and will be. The bad is there are hundreds of people who are getting their music illegally download which is making them lose their profit with those songs. There are also artists that are indirectly copying each other due to collaborating with other composers than to try and make their own original songs. The sample beats can be found on the internet which anyone can use for a cost. An example of a song sounding similar to each other instrumental wise due to co-producing would be Kelly Clarkson's "Already Gone" and Beyonce's "Halo". The melodies to their songs are very similar in my opinion...

4. Crime

I chose from the discussions "Risks Forum" and "Computers and Crime". From the ways technology is advancing, as much as it may be helping humans, there sadly has to be some form of negative affect it is doing to society as well. Everything in the world always has to have a balance, a good and bad.

With the advancement of technology, people are becoming more lazy and relying on their electronics to tell them what to do or even keep them safe. This article goes over how driverless cars are being looked at as a hazard to its user than a blessing. They believe vehicle to vehicle communication is safer than driverless vehicles. If you really think about it, vehicle to vehicle communication still has its flaws due to having the driver still be responsible with what happens then "blaming the car". (Best)

Cyberbullying is a form of a crime since they passed the law. This article dates back to 2015 but brings up the topic that cyberbullying is linked to youths having depression. Social media use is hugely used by today's youth and it seems to be controlling their everyday lives. It says in the article, kids usually don't bring up the cyberbullying to their parents due to the fear of losing their internet access. Have we come to a day and age that people are such cowards that they would bully online than in person since there is so much anonymity to their crime? Do we rely on technology so much that children fear losing their internet more than fixing their bullying problems?

5. Employment, Education and Entertainment

I chose from the discussions "Assistive Technology" and "Business and Social Media". With the advancement of technology and it's resources, it is making everyone's life easier by helping those who need it or know how to take advantage of it.

This article enlightens us of the 5 types of assistive tools in technology that is very helpful and making a difference in our society. Within this article, the technology that stood out to me the most is the "text-to-speech". Not only does this technology help out disabled users, it is also very helpful to everyone else that would use it. Computers and phones now-our-days are incorporated with this type of technology. I know on numerous occasions i have used the text-to-speech portion of my phone to be able to help me spell words that i know but don't know how to spell. (Best)

I agree with this article, due to everyone (from a child to the elderly) being on some form of social media, it is the best way to keep up to date with what their clients are looking for and if they still are interested in their business. I know for sure, a majority of people are on Facebook and Instagram, if not just Facebook (i know all of my relatives from all ages are on Facebook because it is the best way for them to update the family on what they are doing). According to the article, social media allows business to direct and form their advertisements to their ideal consumers.

6. Midterm - Grand Challenges

I chose from the discussion "Grand Challenges for Engineering". Are progression in science is helping the human race live longer than our life expectancy. In doing so, we are fighting against the laws of nature with science.

Artificial Prosthetics: (Best)

We as humans have come a long way since the very first prosthetic limb was developed. Instead of living your life missing a limb, there are now "substitutions" for humans and even animals to function in their daily lives. What caught my attention the most in regards to this article was the statement: "The most advanced prosthesis available today do have some degree of mental control, but no sensory feedback." Imagine a world where you can lose a limb but somehow get a substitute that can function as if you never lost that limb, I know that there are organ transplants that in some ways works as a "replacement" that works as if it was your own...but image having to use a prosthetic limb or even a "donated limb" as your own... If we get into the future that people can donate their limbs in their passing, how would people feel about this?

Food substitutions:

We as humans have come into the day and age that we are populating more than we can provide sustenance. Genetically modifying animals and plants to provide for the human needs has advanced more and more as each decades go by. Is this actually helpful to us as humans are is it slowly altering our genetic code as we consume each genetically modified sustenance?

7. Evaluating and Controlling Technology

I chose from the discussions "Evaluating and Controlling Technology keywords" and "Computers and Society video". Technology is constantly advancing for the best (and indirectly for the worse) because we learned from our predecessors and we learned what we needed to do to advance the human race to live longer.

Automation: (Best)

The advantages brought up within the article had some good points. One of their points that stood out to me for being a benefit for using automation is the "increase product output" for companies. It's true, with having things run automatically and needing minimal supervision to get things done, production can be done quickly and efficiently with minimal error. The advantages of having automation within the workforce is keeping workers safer by not putting them in harm's way. Due to the automation of things, it also cuts back the labor costs since an automation can run 24/7 with minimal supervision to get the job done. It will improve worker's safety by not having to have them put themselves in harms way along with lower the cost for manual labor.

I know this is a video of a TV show on youtube but i think Matt Groening (the creator of The Simpsons) really did have some idea of how our future will go. He also created Futurama which was based in the future. This clip was from an episode where Homer died accidentally but his subconscious was uploaded onto a usb/internet for him to live on and still interact with his family. Everyone has talked about wanting to be able to live forever to see the future: freeze themselves/preserve their brain, so that when technology advances, they can can be reanimated to that place in time. With the way technology is advancing and artificial reality is developing, i wouldn't be surprised if they could "preserve" someone's subconscious into the net to live on as a robot....the TV show Black Mirror also touched on this topic quite a lot.

8. Risks, Failures and Responsibilities

I chose from the discussions "Risks, Failures and Responsibilities keywords" and "Medicine and Computers".

Consequences (Best)

"With great power comes great responsibility" is the best quote to live by. All actions has its consequences but not everyone thinks about it. As we humans develop and "evolutionize" as time goes on, our technology grows with us. What we thought would help us advance as humans can also be the cause to our pain as well. This article brought up some good points regarding the invention of the internet and how there are people who use it for good and how others were able to change it for bad/evil. For example: social media. It was created for people to interact with others over the internet, yet people were able to hide behind a mask and bully people online.

The wave of the future is creating artificial everything: limbs, organs, food...basically all types of organisms. Number 6 on this list of "top 10 new medical technologies" is "artificial organs". We've come to a time that there are more people being born than there are people dying. Also there isn't many organ donors for people who are in need that artificial organs really is a good thing to have in the future. My question is, will we get to a time in the future where we won't even be humans anymore but would be replaced by artificial everything and live in a synthetic world?

9. Anytime, Anywhere

I chose from the discussion "Anytime, Anywhere keywords".

mobile: (Best)

The disadvantages of mobile technology, according to this article, is the distraction the mobile devices can have with user's productivity. Also, having to have an increase of IT security that the devices would need. Due to users using portable devices in their everyday lives, the device can carry sensitive data that will make them the most vulnerable to security risks. Although the mobile technology can be a disadvantage to a user's productivity, it can also help make it more convenient for them to work. For example, being able to have a mobile version to chat with people than to carry a computer around in order to talk to someone.

This article includes the advantages of having a mobile phone in the 21st century. Being able to take pictures wherever you go without having to log around a camera is one of the perks of having a mobile phone in the 21st century. Having to be able to do what you do on a computer in the palm of your hands has its perks. You're able to have your schedule in a digital form along with communicating with people via text messaging. The disadvantage if you think about it is that your whole life can be stolen or lost if your phone is taken/damaged.

10. Technology Advances, Social Trends

I chose from the discussions "Future of Computers" and "Interesting Quantitative Facts"

7 amazing technologies we'll see by 2030

The amazing technology i think will be the most important for the future is the medical topic. With our use of using 3D printers for organ transplants and even bone replacements it will be the most useful/helpful thing we will need for our future if we "want to live longer". Not everyone is an organ donor, let alone there are more people dying than there is organs to save them. If someone were to break a bone that was beyond repair, they have invented 3D printing to help you mend your bone. It's crazy how the human body works, that replacements like this using technology and science can now work. Back then organ donors along with replacing missing limbs wasn't common or possible.

I found it crazy from this video that in the future, with the help of technology advancements, people would want to have their phones implanted into themselves to talk to people using brainwaves than to have a physical phone. I found this a little stupid as cool as it may sound to others. I feel as though having a phone chip implanted into the user will cause health issues of some sort or even make people even more prone to accidents even if it somehow makes things "more convenient". Phones has already been implemented into people's cars to help prevent usage of phones while they want to do this? (Best)

Although this article is 4 years old, the topics are still relevant to the current times, the data may have just changed. For example: topic #3 in the article "better technology doesn't automatically mean better education". There are thousands and thousands of applications in the app store that are meant to help young children learn in their adolescent years. 72% of those applications are aimed towards toddlers and preschoolers. Basically, starting children at a young age to depend on a phone for entertainment and educations is training them to form a bad habit before their brain is fully developed.