The University of New Mexico: College of Education, OLIT Dept. Master’s Portfolio Project: Development
Small Bio I have recently completed a Professional Development Certificate in eLearning and am continuing to achieve a M.A. in Organizational Learning and Instructional Technology expected in the Fall Semester of 2009. I graduated from UNM in 1997 completing a B.A. in Music (Composition & Theory). I have extensive experience with various LMS/LCMS environments such as Moodle and WebCT Vista in both academic and technically related aspects as well as a broad knowledge and use of Macintosh and Windows platforms for more than 20 years with considerable recent experience in the Windows Knowledge Management tool SharePoint Services 3.0 for collaboration within departments and organizations.
My leadership abilities have provided excellent strategies for lesson planning in my current position as Area Coordinator/ALT (Assistant Language Teacher) in addition to providing developed practical solutions for previous management teams’ efforts. The contributions to company employees through thoughtful advice, networking with other staff within the company, and constructive support have shown proven success throughout my career in the United States and in Japan. Analytical skills have helped employees to better understand the difficulties of web based as well as classroom instruction. These strengths also show imaginative, creative, and accurate analytical managerial abilities and communication skills. I am able to work well and cooperatively with others on many levels and/or tiers of company organizational structures.
Currently I am developing the Professional ePortfolio, with the guidance of the Faculty Supervisor, for accomplishing my M.A. in Organizational Learning and Instructional Technology.
Portfolio Objectives The Portfolio provides evidence of the work conducted during the Internship and of expertise in the program coursework focus. The Portfolio provides an essential means for reviewing evidence of professional capacity and illustrates the cumulative learning of the student. The Portfolio serves as an introspective document that should demonstrate learning gained from coursework, the internship, and synthesis by the student of his or her collective academic and professional experience. The Portfolio not only will be used to evaluate the student’s work in the Master’s Program, but could also be used as a means of demonstrating experience and capabilities for current or future employers and to the this end, the student will choose three or four pieces of their best work done while in the Program that will be included at the back of the Portfolio, as part of the appendix.
Students are encouraged to develop e-Portfolios, or Digital Portfolios, and submit the URL for access and review. In this case, originals, such as the Program of Studies Form with signatures and the Internship Supervisor’s letter should be submitted separately in hard copy to the Program Specialist.
The Portfolio will consist of three main sections and an appendix. The following describes the contents of the Portfolio.
1. Biographical Section
This section is designed to provide a biographical snapshot of the student. In this section, the student will include the following:
Current resume
Program of Studies form
(copy of original with all department signatures)
Professional goals statement
List of references (optional)
2. Internship Experience
This section is designed to provide a complete accounting of the Internship experience. In this section the student will include the following:
Internship Proposal
Worksite Supervisor's written evaluation
Written report of the Internship experience. This report will consist of a ten page account of the Internship. The following areas should becovered:
Description of work projects
Self-evaluation of work undertaken,
How the Internship developed skills or professional goals,
Relation of work to program focus
Overall evaluation of the learning experience as a whole.
Sample products from Internship to support work performed (May be included in appendix)
3. Program Synthesis
This section is designed to provide evidence of the student’s coursework focus and how the Program and Internship meets his or her professional goals. In this section, the student is to provide the following:
A reflection paper synthesizing their experience in the Program. This approximately ten page paper acts as a general summary of the essential content of all the student’s coursework. Here students describe in the most succinct and concise fashion, the major subject areas presented in their classes and amplifies the key points and/or ideas which had the greatest impact on their intellectual or professional development. In the reflection paper, students synthesize learning from the courses completed (perhaps under selected themes) with particular attention to how this learning relates to their professional goals, interests, and program focus. This section is not to be a simple listing and brief description of each course, but rather, a reflective synthesis of pertinent learning from the perspective of the student.
Products from courses included in the appendix support and give evidence to the student's area of expertise. These can consist of assignments, papers, projects or products produced during the student’s Master’s Program. These should be three or four pieces of the student’s best work. For example. . .