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Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg
Contact-new.svg John Lesperance
Employer:Ministry of Education
Occupation:Director for Further Education Development
Other roles:Seychelles VUSSC Interlocutor
Certificate orange.svg
This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 2 by Mackiwg .

Greetings from the Seychelles

Sey flag.jpg


Hi, my name is John Lesperance and I am from the Seychelles
Currently, I'm working for the Ministry of Education as the Director for Further Education Development. I am heavily involved with the development of curriculum materials using the competency-based approach. At the moment, I am coordinating the development of about 20 programmes. I am also involved in the development of elearning materials and I am a big supporter of the Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth initiative.

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Web Resources

VUSSC Initiative This link will take you to the Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth

Upcoming Content/

My sandbox