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[[|]]  Workshop Oeiras

Part 2 - Afternoon Session 15:30-16:40

How policy needs to change to make high-quality UGC in education a reality?
Do we need a Quality Label for UGC? What elements and criteria would it need to contain?

José Lagarto, Universidade Católica Portuguesa

A. How policy needs to change to make high-quality UGC in education a reality?

Level of analysis
Thematic Issues

1. European Level
 • European Commission (DGEAC, DGINFSO, DGResearch)
• European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
• Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC) and Co-location centres (CLC)
• European Training Foundation
• European University Association (EUA)
• European Association of Institutions in Higher Education

1. Promotion and support of European projects related
to UGC development strategies
2. Polices to support repositories of education resources in HEI
3. UGC quality control and accreditation
4. UGC and IPR
5. Dissemination of the UGC concept
6. Research on UGC impacts
7. ICT overarching policies (ie Digital Agenda) and UGC
8. Faculty training modalities geared at UGC uptake
9. Changing business models in University publishing
10. Evolving patterns of UGC (on the way to OER?)
2. National level
• Ministry of Education and Skills
• Ministry of Higher Education
• National Agencies for Quality Assurance and Accreditation
• National Rector’s Associations
• …
1. National policies for UGC/ER repositories
2. UGC – promoting quality control and validation processes
3. Developing IPR analysis from a UGC perspective
4. Support and promotion of teacher training policies geared at rapid UGC uptake
5. Changing business models in university publishing
3. Institutional level
• Universities (rectors, department directors, pedagogical and scientific councils, faculty, students)
• Other Higher Education Institutions (further education, polytechnics, etc.)
• Students’ Associations in HE institution
1. Promoting teacher training strategies in ICT and UGC
2. Giving students a stronger voice with regards to their assessment.
a) Is involving them in a quality discussion on their outcomes a valuable strategy for European HEI?
b) How can IPR issues undergo a broad redefinition?
3. When can a UGC become a OER?
4. A path to find. Is there a discernable transformation path?
5. Can a UGC be transformed in a OER?
6. Are there categories of patterns or rules to be established?

B. Do we need a Quality Label for UGC? What elements and criteria would it need to contain?

Concede Quality Criteria

1. Content - UGC content refers to the topic or issue that students develop.

  • Adequacy
  • Consistency
  • Organization
  • Reliability
  • Thoroughness
  • Agility
  • References
  • Argumentation
  • Currency
  • Recipient
  • Summary
  • Clarity

2. Format -Format refers to those formal elements associated to the display of information.

  • Adequate
  • Structure
  • Design
  • Diversity
  • Interaction usability
  • Typography
  • Resources
  • Reuse
  • Features
  • Accessibility
  • Multiplatform

3. Process - Process refers to the dynamics of development, i.e. how students work together in the virtual environment to develop the UGC.

  • Collaboration
  • Critical
  • Consensus
  • Exchange
  • Effectiveness
  • Involvement
  • Constancy
  • Equitable
  • Attitude
  • Technology
  • Reflection
  • Teaching

Another open questions that can be discussed.

Link to CONCEDE Quality Framework