Tips to create the user page and basic wiki editing skills
1 An internet connection is required to create account for user page.
2 Open new browser window e.g, Internet explorer.
3 Type website address : .Press enter key
4 Click create account on the top right hand corner “log in/create account’’
5 Dealing with the Captcha (distorted characters) it is to note that these are case sensitive which means use both capital (uppercase and lowercase) letters.
6 Choose Username easy to recall. It is also case sensitive
7 Choose passwords. It is also case sensitive.
8 E-mail address is optional
9 Click on User Name and click “Edit This Page’’
10 Insert Introductory Text
11 Click “ preview page’’
12 It is good etiquette to enter polite explanation of changes in the Edit summary box
13 Click save page button
14 Wiki Educator can be customized according to preferences