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ID Code # Objective / Task Start End Color Milestone Resource Group Parent Open Dependencies
1 Planning O1 Establish action planning group 0000ff Dave Lane 1 1
2 Planning O1T1 Invite individuals to join group 2015-12-27 2015-12-31 0000ff Dave Lane 1
3 Planning O1T1 Open review and comments on draft action plan 2015-12-27 2016-01-20 0000ff Dave Lane 1 2
4 Product 02 Determine new 1st year nominations for MVP 00ff00 David Bull 1 0 1
5 Product 02T1 Complete program specification document 2016-01-15 2016-02-15 00ff00 David Bull 4 1
6 Product 02T2 Audit existing OER courses suitable for reuse 2016-02-01 2016-02-28 00ff00 David Bull 4 1 5
7 Product 02T3 Finalise course list for MVP and assign development 2016-02-15 2016-03-20 00ff00 David Bull 4 1 6
8 Meeting OERuMC 16-02 Meeting 2016-02-09 2016-02-09 Yes Wayne
9 Product O1 Finalise 1st year courses nearing completion 00ff00 Wayne 1 1
10 Product O1T1 Scope actions required to finalise these courses 2016-02-01 2016-02-13 00ff00 Focal points 9
11 Product O1T2 Determine target dates for MVP platform conversion 2016-02-15 2016-02-29 00ff00 Focal points 9 10
12 Planing O2 Constitute and operationalise MVP task force 2015-12-11 2015-12-15 #0000ff SPWG No Yes
47 42 Think 2015-12-10 2015-12-30 #ff0000 Jim No Yes
121 Insert Packages delivered 2015-12-25 2015-12-25 #000000 Yes Santa No 9 Yes
122 Cookies Have cookies ready 2015-12-26 2015-12-26 #ac1b1b No Mrs. Claus No 9 Yes
123 Lights Lights down 2015-12-31 2015-12-31 #000000 No No Yes
140 Message Emperor's Message 2016-01-01 2016-01-01 #000000 No Emperor No Yes
139 Fireworks Fireworks 2015-12-31 2015-12-31 #000000 Yes BoomBoom Kelly No Yes