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Citation from Wikipedia

Wikipediaorg. (2016). Educational Technology. Retrieved 03 April, 2016, from

Contact-new.svg Jared Travers
Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand

Icon activity.jpg
Activity 4.2 Pedagogical Template

This is an example of a pedagogical template.

Syntax Highlighter

This is an example of a Syntax Highlighter

<source lang="actionscript">
{"Syntax Example");
</ source>

RSS Feed

Possible improvements and future extensions
Improvements: Integrate practical sessions into the project and video record them to add to the presentation. Add more information about rugby in general for a better understanding of the sport.
— jaredtravers 2016-05-26 12:05:04
Project plan
I have used the project proposal/plan as a guide for creating my project. Changes made The changes I have made from the project plan include: In the plan I am using PowerPoint as my sole project implementation. I have used PowerPoint but I have up...
— jaredtravers 2016-05-12 11:59:58
Teaching and Learning effectiveness
I have included instructional videos in the project presentation as well as fun and interesting videos that also provide educational benefit. I created a survey in google forms which is included in the project presentation which assess individual...
— jaredtravers 2016-05-12 11:55:23
Technology and Technical Learning
Technology Map Below is a technology map which shows which technologies I have used to create my project. Technical Problems When creating the poster in I had trouble re-sizing the poster to A3. The issue was I was only using the free ve...
— jaredtravers 2016-05-11 11:39:19