User:Janetpoley/My sandbox

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My Passions

I am a very passionate person! I have spent almost all of my life concerned about how to apply technologies appropriately to make the world a better place. Originally I was a radio and television producer - later studied computer science as my PhD language.

My husband is an architect, my mother is an artist and my father was an opera singer. I wanted to major in music. We will have gotten this wiki stuff right when:

WikiEducator is structuredbetter than it is now. Most real architects I know think that so called computer architects have not satisfactorily integrated the chief elements from real architecture.

I am also a biological scientist with a PhD in adult and continuing education - we have to make these baby toolsgrow up into such beautiful, resonant and sustainable infrastructures that we really have the ability to collaborate as one earth.

Our webpage is and we are known as The American Distance Education Consortium

If you want to find out more about me you can go to and find my short and longer bio

As a professor of journalism I frequently go to