User:JaneShaw/My Sandbox
Module 3 Word processing using OpenOffice 3.0
Module Overview
Welcome to Module #3 Word Processing using Open Office 3.0.Writer
Examples include:
Section Overview
Welcome to Module 3 Word Processing, using OpenOffice 3.0 Writer
During this section you will gain insight into how to work with documents, how to save them in different locations and formats.
In this tutorial we will:
Module Sections
- Section 1 - Module 3:mapping
- Section 2 - Using the application
- Section 3 - First steps with Word Processing
- Section 4 - Main Operations
- Section 5 - Formatting
- Section 6 - Objects
- Section 7 - Mail Merge
- Section 8 - Prepare Outputs
Module References
<List out any references/sources used in creation of the module>
About this Module
Module # <Title>
- Attribution: OpenICDL with link to the project.
- Authors:<Insert institution/names here>
- Based on Open Office Version 3.0
- Created under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license
Topic Overview
The focus of this section is twofold; first, you will develop an understanding of the word processor, and how it can be used to create and edit documents. Second, you will explore the application settings available within OpenOffice Writer. These settings help you understand and manage the word processing application environment.
A paragraph describing this section is required. The paragraph needs to touch upon these outcomes;
- Open (and close) the writer application
- Open one or several documents
- Create a new document
- Save a document to a location on a drive
- Save a document to different formats
- Work with multiple documents
- Use available Help functions
- Close a document
- Change between page view modes
- Use the different display tools
- Display, hide built-in toolbars and document features
- Modify options and preferences
- Others (Oo 2.0 TBD)
Module Sections
Copy the section and subsection templates you require from this page Design Templates
Open (and close) the writer application
Module References
<List out any references/sources used in creation of the module>
- This modules OCDL / ICDL mapping is an essential resource for this modules development. Please add further notes or comments into this mapping for where you would like to see module improvements.
About this Module
Module # 3 - Word Processing using OpenOffice 3.0 Base
- Attribution: OpenICDL - Module Three (Word Processing) is currently under development by OpenICDL, this project will build upon (and extend) the current state of this development.
- Authors: Jane Shaw
- Based on Open Office Version 3.0
- Created under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
===Deepak Chopra=== You can look at every problem you have in your life as an opportunity for some greater benefit. You can stay alert to opportunities by being grounded in the wisdom of uncertainty. When your preparedness meets opportunity, the solution will spontaneously appear.
- Chopra,D.
- (The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success).
- (1994)
- Amber Allen Publishing
- CA
You are what your deep,driving desire is
As your desire is, so is your will
As your will is, so is your deed
As your deed is, so is your destiny
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV.4.5
Getting started with Word Processing |
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