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Contact-new.svg Jacob Amireh
Employer:De Anza College
Languages:English, Spanish
Flag of USA.svg USA

I am a student at De Anza College and am enrolled in course CIS 2. Below is my final project and commentary.

Privacy and Freedom of Speech:

I Liked this source as it was essentially a group of people doing and sharing an activity that was super cool and also interesting. With the power of the internet and freedom of speech, expression is more relevant and can be pursued and shared. 

Being that this was also a week about security, I decided to bring in a source about security itself. Cybersecurity is a growing occupation and seeing people pursue it is incredible for our modern society. However, articles like this prove that there is still plenty of work to be done before critical information is 100 percent safe on the internet. This would be my best source for this section. (I also took this source from someone who used it in their initial assignment as it interested me when I read it).

Intellectual Property: 

The idea of an information highway amazes me as you never truly think of web "traffic" being comparable to highway traffic. The universal use of the internet is also a good factor to note in how web pages will work. It is importsnt for a large number of people to be on one website at the time. How will we counter this? It interests me because of this question. This would also be my best source. 

Being an avid gamer, this lawsuit grew my attention because of the major names around it. This is a debate about dance moves being used in a game where they are purchased under different names. But it also brings up more question? Can we truly copyright a 3-second dance move? It is an intellectual property question itself.


I personally used this source for one of the module assignments for the course. It interested me seeing how even while not completely unified, many different people were coming together to help others in stpping cybercrime. This would be probably one of my favorite sources just because of how unique it is.

How truly educated are we on the severity and danger of cybercrime. It is a rising threat and the growth of the cybercrime industry only can increase as our development of the internet increases as well.

Employment, Education, and Entertainment: 

I thought that this source was very interesting just because of the difference from other games mentioned. I do like how it can teach you about the monetary value of different things.

Scholastic is a source that I've used countless and therefore do trust the source very much. This article describes a program to help those in K-8 with specific questions about STEM and other things. This is my favorite source just because I was always a stem kid while young and its interesting to see how times have changed.

Evaluating and Controlling Technology:

The internet of things to me is generally new as a topic, and during this course, it was one of the things that caught my attention the most. It is interesting to see the connectivity of everything that we use around us daily put into words. We really do not often think of these connections, but they help us everyday. For this topic, it is my best source.

Net Neutrality is a controversial topic in our modern world. Given that the last person to join the FCC as head decided that it would be repealed, it has been a talked about topic for much time. People have not yet decided wholly wether the internet should be privatized or public, and it is a debate that we need to have in our society for the future of the internet.

Risks, Failures, and Responsibility:

BioTech and its related siences have gained much traction over the last couple of years especially as they have been at the forefront of innovation. BioTech, as it grows, will only further its ability to help those using computers. Access to data that can be life-changing is coming quicker and better, and people are getting the help they need faster than ever due to computers.

Basic internet safety is something that needs to become more readily available for all people especially with how popular in use that the internet is becoming. I personally belive that internet safety should e something taught in schools for all children.This would be my best source for the project.

Anytime, Anywhere:

With mobile pay increasing in popularity, I thought it to be useful to recommend which e-wallets would be the safest per person. I personally use these regularly, so I understand the privacy and help needed when it comes to this tech.

This is an article that I chose for the assignment when it came to the ted talks. I personally enjoyed listening to the talk as it opened me up to more information about living tech in general. I would recommend this source and label it was my best for the topic.

Technology Advances, Social Trends:

This article highlights one of the dangers of the internet, most notably, how will it take away from our ability to perform simple remedial tasks. Things people used to do before are changing completely due to the internet. From looking things up to getting a diagnosis, everything has changed in the last 10 years.

This article is a blog which means it is not as professional of a source but offers solid insight on what the rest of the worlds views on the internet and their plan for the future., The Japanese infrastructure that is mentioned here is one I personally belive that we should pursue ourselves as well. I label this my best source and would recommend a read.