User:Jadeapple/Odonata Fen/Seed List 2008
I found this suggestion for a tomato guilds from this blog: [1] - basil, chives, petunias, marigolds, pansies, horehound, asparagus, bee balm, hot peppers
I actually started planning for this season before I started this course, so many of these seeds were picked out a couple of months ago. I realize now that I already had permaculture principles in mind when looking through the catalogs. This is an experimental year for me and mum as well -- we're sharing and we're trying out a number of different varieties of heirloom veggies as well as other plants like basil. I also picked plants that are multi-use in both landscape and other uses..focusing on medicinal because I have a background as an herbalist. This list below is just the seed that we already have, our master list is waaaay longer and I will be adding to this list as I go along with the planning process. As I have stated before I am focusing on tomatoes this year and what I found interesting when I looked at my list of other plants that I had already picked out pretty much every plant that's suggested by another permaculturalist as part of a tomato guild. Cool. I'll add comment in italics as to why we initially picked out different plants, both for my own record and for other people's interest
[hide]Annuals / Bi-annuals
Herbs and Veggies
Amaranth Polish (CG) Many salad growers cite this as the best-tasting amaranth green for salads. Young leaves can be harvested for salads, and the seedheads are highly nutritious. They are a favourite food of songbirds. Growing 4-6’ high, these highly ornamental plants have burgundy stalks & stems with red seedheads. The seedheads are also great in dried flower arrangements.
Amaranth Hopi Red Dye (CG) This ancient grain was grown by the Hopi & used as a ceremonial red food dye and to produce red cornmeal. The whole plant is absolutely stunning—deep burgundy/red stalk, stems & leaves and blood-red flower bracts. The immature flowerheads produce the dye and the seeds produce the flour. Beautiful enough for the flower garden, it grows to 6’. Young leaves can be eaten in salads or steamed.
This appears to be a very promising multi-use plant. I grew a few plants last season and they did alright, though they didn't get very big. This is most likely due to getting them in the ground very late in the season and not in optimal conditions. I'm going to try it out this year in several locations, including along the fence lines. I'm preparing myself to share the harvest with the birds!
Basil Medinette (Ri) Compact variety with leaves larger than bush basil but not as large as Genovese. Excellent for potplant production, reaching only 30-35cm (12-14”) high. ‘Medinette’ is slow to bolt, especially in hot conditions, and because of this trait it is often preferred over Genovese varieties where the summers are hot or in hot greenhouses.
Basil Cinnamon (Ri) From Mexico. Growth habit is similar to that of regular sweet basil, with a distinctive cinnamon taste and odour. Mexicans like to place a vase of fresh cut herb on the dinner table to ward off insects. Curiously, they do not seem to use it much in cuisine, despite its superb flavour.
We're trying out at least 4 different types of basil this year...there are dozens to chose from. The other types we are going to by in plug packs from Richters as we are going to need a lot of plants as we plan on interplanting them with all of the tomatoes. They were chosen for our conditions and leaf type. I have grown basil before with varying success it seems to depend a lot on conditions and finding the right variety for ones micro climate here. Cinnamon basil is already a favourite as it has been less fussy for me in the past and one year when all the other basil kicked the bucket it didn't have any problems. It also has a very unique basily taste that's amazing with fresh picked tomatoes. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.
Coriander Spice (Ri) Variety grown for its seeds. Seeds add fresh, spicy flavour to soups and stews. Main ingredient in chili sauces, curries and exotic dishes.
Harvest for seasoning
Dill Mammoth (Ri)
Finely cut foliage. For fresh use as “dillweed”, or allowed to go to seed for dill pickles. Ht. 1m/40”.
Dill Fernleaf (Ri) Finely cut foliage. For fresh use as dillweed, or allowed to go to seed for dill pickles. Ht. 1m/40in. All America Winner for 1992. Unique dwarf plants (45cm/18in); dark green leaves. Slow to bolt. Excellent for dillweed production and potted plants.
For pickles and dried seasoning. I've also read on another permaculture site that it's good planted with apple trees as it provides a habitat for some predators that like bugs that get on apples. I'll give it a go this year.
Parsley Mosscurled (Ri)
Marigold Mexican (Ri) ‘Weedkiller’ plant. Besides its nematodicidal and insecticidal properies, it destroys noxious weeds, including ground elder, bindweed, couch grass and ground ivy. AIso effective mosquito control. In South America, dried leaves are used to flavour soups, meats and vegetables. Recent research suggests it has powerful anti-viral properties. Tall (up to 2 metres) erect habit; rarely flowers in temperate zones. Has been said to repel deer as well.
I have used marigolds before, the common varieties in the garden and will be continuing this year. I plan to try this one around the edges of some of new planting places in the outer yard as a barrier to not only weeds but deer as well because of it's height. The plan in my head so far is to keep the already established animal trails as they are and plant 'deer repelling' plants along the the edges in a sort of corridor. Have no idea if this will work but will give it a shot. If I can do it with plants it would be great because we don't have the finances to get into fencing and such right now.
Nigella (Ri) (Love-in-a-mist) Finely divided leaves create a mist effect surrounding the lovely blue flowers. Seeds used in curries and bread, although its close cousin black cumin is better. Seeds stored with clothing repel insects. Valued in perfumery trade.
This is a pretty plant with uses beyond just looking nice. It's also easy to grow.
Poppy California (Ri) Mildly narcotic colourless juice was used by Californian Indians to treat toothache. Brilliant orange flowers. Best sown direct very early in spring as it prefers cool weather.
Scullcap Oriental Blue (Ri) (Baikal scullcap; Huang qin) One of Chinese medicine’s most important herbs is now all dressed up for the flower garden! English breeders managed to coax the hardy perennial to throw up bigger purple-blue flowers and more of them. The result is a beautiful new ornamental herb for sunny borders or mass plantings. Ht. 40cm/15”.
For both it's 'pretty' and medicinal uses.'
SoapwortExcellent shampoos, skin rinses and washes for delicate fabrics are made by steeping roots in water. Lathers like soap when agitated. Skin rinse helps to relieve itchiness.
Useful as well as pretty and once established needs no care.
Virgin's Bower (Ri) A woody climbing vine native to the eastern and central United States. Infusion of the leaves and flowers is used to relieve severe headaches. Sometimes used to make ointments for sores, skin ulcers and itchy skin. Can cause dermatitis or stomach upset in some sensitive people. White flowers.
This is a native plant in my area so is well suited to the conditions. It has medicinal uses as well as numerous other landscaping options in a permaculture context. At least I'm pretty sure it does.
Seabuckthorn North Eurasian tree of increasing economic importance. Orange berries are rich source of vitamins A and C, and make pleasing sauces, jellies and marmalades. The juice is used as a sweetener for herbal teas
The best place to see the multitudes of potential with this shrub is the[2]article. It caught my eye in the catalog because I am looking for different types of berries that can be used in landscaping (and now that I'm learning about permaculture) in guilds and provide both food for human's and wildlife. I plan to try out many of our native varieties of berries as well. We'll see if I can get it to germinate.
Tomatoes Sorted By Season
Tomato varieties were selected for our zone and micro conditions. We also chose a variety of types to have a good selection of color, sauce and other preserves, slicing and straight salad like cherry ones for both personal use and hopefully sale. Taking all that in mind we picked ones from each of these categories that are early, mid and late in order to ensure a spread out harvest, starting in July. I'm going to try some season extension techniques this year and will be starting a couple of plants from each variety to try out this way...they will be hopefully planted out at least a month earlier then the usual mid-june for straight garden planting. My mum and I are also going to be keeping good records on how each variety does. Although we both live in the same overall climate zone (5b) we have different growing conditions, bugs and wildlife to contend with. Her soil is heavy clay and mine is quite sandy.
Early (55-68 days)
Siberian -- Early – short vines – 2-3” egg shaped red fruit – determinate – good for market gardeners.
Red Alert – early – small patio size red fruits – prolific – determinate, but plants from my saved seeds grew very large and bore fruit up until frost.
Bloody Butcher -- early – rare- 4 oz red fruit in clusters – very juicy – indeterminate
Pilgrim – Early to mid-season – original plant from Don – large red fruit. Vigorous compact growth – determinate – crack resistant – does well in colder climates – not an heirloom
Garden Peach – early – fuzzy with pink blush – good keeper – vigorous vines.
Ropreco - Italian Heirloom – early red paste. Bushy compact vine needs no staking
Black Plum – mid-season – mahogany past tomato
Yellow Stripe Roman – Early – yellow/orange striped
Sweetie – early red cherry. Indeterminate =
Elfin – Early red grape. Indeterminate – short bushy plant
Black Cherry – early – rare, true cherry – black skin, deep red inside
Sun Sugar – yellow/orange – early – super sweet – prolific the whole season – bought plants from Organic farm (Lucknow) 2007.
Mid-Season (69-79 days)
Box Car Willy mid-season – 10-16 oz. red Fruit – disease and crack resistant – very juicy – indeterminate
Bonny Best -- Medium red fruit – mid-season - determinate
Mortgage Lifter – very large red fruit – productive – disease resistant – mid-late season
Aunt Ruby’s German Green – Mid/late Season. Indeterminate
Pruden’s Purple – mid-season – large dark pink fruit – medium vines – good for Northern areas and uncertain sunshine
Silvery Fir – Russian – called carrot leaved – small 2 ft plant – 2-4” red fruit – large crop – determinate – good for edible landscaping
Martino’s Roma – Mid Season – prolific - red – indeterminate
Purple Russian – mid-season – from Ukraine – productive – egg shaped
Matt’s Wild Cherry -- mid-season – prolific small red fruit – from Mexico
Chiapas Wild – red, currant type – slow to germinate last year, but a number of self seeded plants grew well. Large sprawling plant.
Reisentraube – mid-season - rare, German – 1 oz pear shaped red fruit – hundreds per plant
Isis Candy – mid-season – ¾” fruit – gold with red swirls – sweet - productive
Brown Cherry – mid season – from Russia – brown/copper green – 1 ½- 2” fruit – prolific – produces into fall.
Yellow Cherry – Seeds of Survival – Greta’s Organic Seeds. Gift seed.
Yellow Pear – mid-late season – small, very sweet yellow pear shaped fruits – very prolific and seeded themselves.
Late (80+ days)
Hill Billy – late season – from West Virginia – 12-24 oz reddish orange fruit
Caro Rich – late season – bright orange – high beta carotene – large bushy plant
Opalka – late season – 9-11 oz red fruit – from Poland – long vines - indeterminate
Amish Paste – late season – from Wisconsin – 12 oz meaty red fruit - indeterminate
Orange Banana – Late season – indeterminate – good disease resistance
Red Pear – late season – very old – rambling 6 ft. vines – small fruit (cherry size)
Sources of Seed and Plants
When looking for seed and plant sources this year I kept a couple of things in mind when figuring out what places I would order from. Many of the varieties of veggies are available from multiple sources. I kept local in mind, one because the plants would be more closely adapted to my growing conditions and two too support the regional economy. I also chose places that are what I call 'activist' oriented, in these cases working to preserve the diversity of our plant friends and as well as supporting organic growing.
Cottage Gardener (CG) (no US shipping)
The Cottage Gardener is an heirloom seed and plant nursery in southern Ontario, Canada. Rare and endangered heirloom varieties of vegetables, herbs and flowers, over 600 heirloom seed varieties available. Mostly organic.
Richters (RI) Absolutely fabulous source of common and uncommon varieties of traditional 'kitchen' herbs, medicinal/and other use plants, mushrooms and shrubs from all over the world, though the focus is on NA. Great source for native plants. The catalog is an education in itself. In my opinion a permaculturalists dream. Much more then just a 'herb' source. Can ship both seed and plants anywhere in the world depending on local regulations.
Terra Edibles (T) Heirloom, veggies, herbs and flowers