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My profile

1. Education background

My name is Haji H Saleh, I was born, grown and schooled in Northen Region of Zanzibar, Tanzania.I am 47 yeas of age holding a Master Degree in Agriculture from the Moscow State Agric. University in Russia (1995)

2. Professional time

Link to my article 1

My careeer is Agriculturist, currently employed by the ministry of Ariculture and Natural Resources of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar (RGoZ). [1] Currently, I am working as Resaerch officer at the Agricultural research institute at kizimban

cnn Website

3. Off working time

Most of my free time I take part ((link to my article 1))in farming activties, I have a farm of 3 ha plot which I use it to produce crops especially horticultural crops to supplement my income as well as provide foods for my family. Other off career activties are

The Zanzibar forest speciel
  • watching foot ball,
  • playing darts swimming

Thank you
