My profile
1. Education background
My name is Haji H Saleh, I was born, grown and schooled in Northen Region of Zanzibar, Tanzania.I am 47 yeas of age holding a Master Degree in Agriculture from the Moscow State Agric. University in Russia (1995)
2. Professional time
My careeer is Agriculturist, currently employed by the ministry of Ariculture and Natural Resources of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar (RGoZ). [1] Currently, I am working as Resaerch officer at the Agricultural research institute at kizimban
3. Off working time
Most of my free time I take part ((link to my article 1))in farming activties, I have a farm of 3 ha plot which I use it to produce crops especially horticultural crops to supplement my income as well as provide foods for my family. Other off career activties are
- watching foot ball,
- playing darts swimming
Thank you