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Personal Details


Grace M. Mwaura

Postal Address

1364-00621 Nairobi

Phone Contacts

+254 725 --------

Email ]


Book Cover of the Unbowed Book by Prof. Wangari Maathai
Grace Mwaura is an appointed IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) Go to IUCN Councilor to represent youth for the period 2010-2012. She is currently a professional intern with the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) working on integrating environmental and agroforestry issues into the Healthy Learning Programme.

Previously, she served as the Secretary of African Youth Initiative of the Climate Change (AYICC), heading all the network programmes. She now plays an advisory role in AYICC and the Intervarsity Environment Network, both of which she was a founder in 2006. Ms Mwaura has also been the focal person for the African youth with the International Youth Climate Movement. Ms. Mwaura has experience in Conservation, Community development, Climate Change, Youth empowerment, Research, Conservation Film making, environmental education, Policy and Advocacy work. Her research and scientific experience is drawn from her academics and her involvement with varied research departments at the National Museums of Kenya, Nature Kenya and her Bachelors degree research work. She is currently contributing to the South-North Journal series produced by the Common Future Think and Do Tank. She holds a Bachelors degree in Environmental Sciences (1st Class Honors) from Kenyatta University, Kenya. She also has extensive experience working with a wide range of school children, youth, university students’ movements and local communities on conservation issues. Her Professional Interests are: Climate change, Conservation, sustainability, education for sustainable development in children and youth, youth empowerment, Environmental education and Communications, Policy and Advocacy.

Topics of Interest

  1. African Education for Sustainable Development
  2. School Gardening
  1. Community Based Conservation Film making
  2. Education for Sustainable Development

Gracemwaura 07:44, 6 July 2010 (UTC)