From WikiEducator
100 Level
- ISL101 General Introduction to Islam
- ISL111 Iman and Salat
- ISL102 Mosques in Islam
- ISL136 Women in Islam
200 Level
- ISL222 Introduction to the studies of Hadith
- ISL241 Prophethood and Prophets in Islam
- ISL271 The Rightly Guided Caliphs and the Umayyads
- ISL232 Islamic Economic System
300 Level
- ISL313 Introduction to the world religions
- ISL302 Research Methodology
- ISL372 The Orthodox Caliphs
- ISL311 Tafsir
400 Level
- ISL421 Tajwid in Islam
- ISL435 Textual Studies of Hadith
- ISL447 Exegesis of the Qur'an
- ARA458 Essay Writion