My name is Tabi Fritz Oben (Ph.D). I teach at the University of Dschang - Republic of Cameroon. Go to My blog
Research interest
Integrating bio-physical and socio-economic information to support decision making for sustainable natural resources management, crop production and environmental conservation. Establishment of soil fertility-crop yield relationships, site-specific crop management, use of organic materials in soil fertility management, establishment of computerized databases of soil, climate, crop yield and management factors for efficient farm management, Climate change, modeling.I am currently an African Climate Change postdoctoral fellow attached to University of Ghana.
On-going research
Soil fertility managment options adapted to changing climatic conditions in lowland rice-based cropping systems.
Some publications
- Olaleye, A. O., Ogunkunle, A. O., Singh, B. N., Akimbola, G.E., Tabi, F.O., Fayinminu, O.O., and Iji, M.E. 2009. Ratios of nutrients in lowland rice grown on two iron toxic soils in Nigeria. Journal of Plant Nutrition 32:1336-1352.
- Tabi, F.O., Diels, J., Ogunkunle, A. O., Iwuafor,E.N.O., Vanlauwe, B.and Sanginga, N. 2008. Potential nutrient supply capacity, nutrient utilization efficiencies, fertilizer recovery rates and maize yield in northern Nigeria Nutrient Cycl. Agroecosyst. 80: 161-172
- Tabi, F.O., Ogunkunle, A.O. and Diels, J. 2007. The development of a prototype land information system for the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria as a basis for agrotechnology transfer. In A. Bationo et al. (eds.), Advances in Integrated Soil Fertility Research in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities, 629–646 © 2007 Springer.
- Olatunji, O.M., Ogunkunle, A.O. and Tabi, F.O. 2007. Influence of Parent Material and Topography on some Soil Properties in Southwestern Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Soil and Environmental Research: 7:1-6.
- Tabi, F.O and Ogunkunle, A.O. 2007. Spatial variation of some Soil Physico-Chemical Properties of an Alfisol in southwestern Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Soil and Environmental Research: 7:82-91.
- Boukong, A. and Tabi, F.O. 2006. Réduction de la tendence à la degradation de resources en eau et en terre dans l’écosysteme du Bassin Lac Tchad au Cameroun. Rapport Technique pour le compte de la Commission Bassin Lac Tchad. 32p.
Rice related articles xxxx Tasks in current cta web2 course information agregation Fritzoben 11:03, 10 September 2009 (UTC)