User:English Honours DDUC/Inhouse Courses

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Effective Communication and Personality Development through Theatre.

Offered by
The Department of English, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, University of Delhi, in collaboration with professionals associated with National School of Drama. Course Duration
The 100 course will start on 8th or 9th August, 2008 and will finish by the third week of October.

Rs. 50/ - for registration
Rs. 4500/- for the whole course.
Both registration and course fee can not be reimbursed.

The registration form costing Rs. 50/- will be made available from 15th July 2008 in the college office. Last date for handing in the filled registration form is July 30th, 2008. Selection to the course will be based on an audition that will be held 2nd / 3rd August, 2008. The list of selected candidates, along with names of candidates on the waiting list, will be displayed on the college notice board on 4th August. Selected candidates are expected to pay the fees in the next few days. Classes will start from 8th or 9th August 2008.

Classes Classes will start from 8th or 9th August. In August and September, classes will be held on weekends as per the schedule given below.

Group A: (Aug /Sept)
Friday: 3 PM to 6 PM
Saturday: 9 AM to 12 Noon.

Group B: (Aug / Sept) Saturday : 2 PM to 5 PM Sunday: 9 AM to 12 Noon.
(It is also possible to have classes only on Saturdays and Sundays. A final decision will be taken after the groups have been selected.)

During the October break starting from October 1st, four hour classes for each group will be held six days a week. Group A will meet in the morning from 8AM to 12 noon and Group B will meet from 2PM to 6 PM.

48 hour of classes will be held during the 8 weekends in August /September and 52 hours of classes will be held during the 13 days of October vacations starting from 1st October to 4th October, and then from 6th October to 14th October. The culmination will be held on 14th or 15th of October.

Attendance is compulsory and 100% attendance desirable. Under exceptional circumstance, if a candidate has to miss a class, s/he needs to inform the Course Director in advance and take his permission.

Student strength Not more than 25 students in one group. Not more than two groups. Eligibility
University of Delhi students formally enrolled in undergraduate courses. Outsiders can be considered on individual basis.

Brief Course Description The course is inspired by, and seeks to implement UNCEF and WHO’s internationally recognized vision of life skills based education. Life skills have been defined by the World Health Organization as, “The abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life.’ UNICEF defines life-skills-based education as basically being focused on triggering a behaviour change or behaviour development designed to address a balance of three areas: knowledge, attitude and skills.

The course will seek to hone in students skills such as: 1. Effective communication – both written and oral
2. Dynamic Leadership through problem solving, critical thinking and decision-making.
3. Ability to think creatively and act confidently through acting, improvisations,performances and scripting.
4. Teamwork and Interpersonal relationships skills focusing on relationships with the self, friends and family, and society.
5. Self-management and self-awareness building skills through effective conflict management, negotiations and the ability to cope with stress and manage time effectively.
Research has established that traditional ‘information’ based’ approaches are not sufficient to yield changes in attitudes and behaviour. While a few lectures would be delivered to clarify and concepts and theories, the course will mainly be taught through theatre workshops.

Certification and Grading This course relies heavily on its workshop component as a tool for instruction. The majority of its content is available only through class attendance, participation, interaction and application of principles. At the end of the course the students will be given a certificate of Achievement. Only those students who have 80% attendance will be eligible for receiving the certificate. Exceptional circumstances resulting in the missing of classes will be considered on an individual basis, and the final decision will rest with a committee consisting of the Course Coordinator and the Course Director and the Principal.

The students will also be graded on two level scale: A and B The grades will be based on the following: Attendance: 20% for 90-100 percent attendance; 10% marks out of 20% For 80-89% attendance. Students with attendance 80% will not be eligible for certificate.
Practical: - 50%
Written: _ 30%

Students securing above 60% marks will be given Grade A and those securing below 60% will be given Grade ‘B’

Breach of discipline can lead to:
a) Formal oral warning
b) Written warning
c) Suspension
d) Expulsion

The decision of the discipline committee consisting of Course Director, Course Coordinator and the Principal would be final.

Tentative Guest Faculty

  • Mr. R.G. Bajaj
  • Mr. Shri Vardhan
  • Mr Hafeez
  • Mr. Avtaar Sahani
  • Mr. Rewati Sharan Sharma
  • Mr. Bhumikeshwar
  • Mr. B.P.Bhargava
  • Mr. Ajay Manchanda

Tentative Internal Faculty

  • Dr. Pramesh Ratnakar
  • Dr. Jayini Adhyapak
  • Dr. Anubha Mukherjee Sen


BRIEF COURSE DESCRIPTION There is a growing demand for English language teachers, not just in India but all over the world. This course seeks to equip the students with the skills needed to be an effective English language teacher. Apart from familiarizing students with the basics of English Grammar and phonetics, the course aims to enable the students to teach language skills such as writing, listening, speaking and reading. After doing the course, the students will be able to train others for examinations such as TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, CAT among others. Total fee for this 60 hour course is Rs. 3000/- . Classes will start from June 2nd 2008 and the course will finish on June 22nd 2008.


BRIEF COURSE DESCRIPTION This 80 hour career oriented course is designed to help students find jobs in Advertising Agencies as a Copywriter. In learning the art and craft of Copywriting, students will learn how to function as a dynamic team member of an Advertising agency, how to help build brands by creating advertising messages such press ads, direct mailers, television and radio and multi-media ads. The Department of English, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, is offering this course in collaboration with a reputed Advertising Agency: Fusion Advertising. This course will be offered in 2008-2009. Details will be notified later.