Organization Media High Council Country Rwanda Website Author Profile I was born in 1972. I am married with three children.
- MA in Media and Communication (Option: New Media, Governance and Democracy) from the University of Leicester; - BA in Arts and Humanities (English Language and literature) from the National University of Rwanda; - Part-time courses in Computer Science at the National University of Rwanda; - Online courses on e-government by UNPAN and e-learning policies by ADBI at the end of which I received certificates
DUTIES (among others):
- Project Coordinator of a project designed from a joint programme by UNDP and DFID to strengthen good governance (within 6 constitutional public institutions) at Media High Council; - GISWatch: author of Rwanda chapter since 2008. - Coordinator of Food Security and Water dgCommunities at Development Gateway Foundation; - Content Team Leader at Rwanda Development Gateway; - Filed manager for RIA data collection on e-access and usage survey; - Communication and Documentation Officer at CCOAIB and DUHAMIC ADRI (leading Civil Society Networks in Rwanda); - Media Monitor at High Council of the Press (now Media High Council); - I have been involved in several researches aimed as understanding the role of ICT for development such as the UNDP research on Pro-poor ICT enable development; CICEWA reserach on telecommunication reforms.
Emmanuel Habumuremyi is watching Rwanda - (Infrastructure) Rwanda - (2010 - ICTs and Environmental Sustainability) Rwanda - (2009 - Access to Online Information and Knowledge) Rwanda - (2008 - Access to Infrastructure)