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Hello my name is Emmanuel Balalio, i am born and raised in san jose ca. I am a student in CIS2 at de anza college.

1. Introductions I chose this resource because it stood out to me the most. It discusses a game where you choose a target, and how long it take you to get there, from said starting point. For instance how long would it take you to get to "Trump" from the starting point of basketball. This discusses a lot about internet safety and i find that very important.

2. Privacy and Freedom of Speech This article brings to light a lot of issues that google has been having, and how it hasn't really changed how people view them. They are a growing issue in our society and most people seem to brush it off. This article talks a lot about it. Most people are unaware of what a VPN is, but they are very helpful and can help you out a lot in the long run, especially with the growing issues of the internet and creation of laws etc.

3. Intellectual Property

One of the biggest issues we have with technology and computers in our age is Fair use, whether it is okay to use something or not. Whether it be from comedic purposes or from criticism, there has always been a fine line between what is acceptable and what is not. Both of these videos go into detail about why something that we are so uneducated on is so important in our day in age, especially with ever growing things on social media. This one discusses a law suit that they are about to enter concerning fair use,

and this next video discusses their actions after and how they suceeded.

4. Crime (Links to an external site.)

This article discusses "swatting" which is a term used for posting a fake 911 call to authorities discussing a certain person who they have gained their information on the internet by "doxxing" them or by looking up their info and displaying it online without  their consent.  This is a growing problem in the online gaming community as people with the knowledge to do so let their bad judgement get the better of them. There are plenty of videos online displaying the real life time footage of online video game streamers and youtubers having authorities burst into their homes unnannouced, as how they came up with the term swatting, earlier this year a man was sentenced to time in prison because he made a fake call to the authorities and got a man killed. Should these people be trialed for more punishment than they have now? can be used for anything you pretty much need it for. From using it to follow a certain sports team and their trade aspirations in the off season, to getting advice in how to decorate the new home your family just purchased. I've used it for both of those reasons. 

5. Employment, Education and Entertainment

This video discusses somewhat of a history of edutainment, discussing different  ways of edutainment that has been used over time. It is a little bit of a lengthy video, but the middle 5-6 minutes is more of a review of nintendo labo, and the beginning and ending is more of the eduactional side. I like his discussion of examples and his comparison of the new vs the old ways. (Links to an external site.)

This is an article from USD. It offers plenty of modern examples of edutainment, which was a little bit harder to find a resource with.  Article also gives a brief description of each example, and offers some data to back up its findings, such as a discussion of pros and cons.

6. Midterm - Grand Challenges (Links to an external site.)

I chose the creating water from thin air choice.  780 million people or more in 43 countries are facing issues of scarcity of water, uneven distribution is also a big factor. The teams that would be succesful used 100% renewable energy resources and had a minimum of 2000 liters of water used per day.  Now because of these inventions more and more people will be able to have access to clean water. (Links to an external site.)

Social Media Privacy

First issues im discussing is privacy among social media. Recently the article talks about an issue which many people have come across. The faceapp app lets you use your picture and it will "profesionally" alter the photo almost immediately. If you would have someone do the photoshop work for the picture, it would take a bit longer than 5 seconds, which is how long the app takes. The issue is that it is owned by a Russian company and there are rumors that they would be using your likeness without your consent, but since you downloaded the app and used it, you already agreed to whatever they would do with your picture. The issue is privacy and coming up with a way to fix it.  Companies such as facebook, google, and others all have come under fire because of their not so friendly privacy matters they have.

7. Evaluating and Controlling Technology This is a Ted Talk from Ivan Poupyrev. Poupyrev talks about ways to use tech in order to be able to be more interested in every day activites so that we can use tech for the better of our own lives.  He discusses how making the world into his own user interface, and in order to interact with your digital life, you don't need a big computer but just your every day necessities. Something he focused a lot on was that everything can be hacked and will be used to help. (Links to an external site.)

They talk about how technology increasing is causing the wage gap to get bigger and bigger between the top of the pile and the bottom of the pile, they focus a lot on uber and their issues that they are bringing up, which include underpay. 

8. Risks, Failures and Responsibilities (Links to an external site.)

This is an article discussing mannequins that are being developed to use in surgeries and medical procedures that are able to near mimic how a human body acts and feels. The article discusses how the mannequins shed tears, blink, bleed, and have slight movement. I found that particularly interesting because with how much they are doing right now, they may be developing robots for the near future. 

I found this resource helpful because with all of these going on, we need to realize what is suitable to be used and what we can use responsibly.

One of the bigger failures that our community has seen in terms of technological failures are the Tesla Vehicles causing malfunctions and therefore exploding. This article discusses a lot about the Tesla situation and what has been done to make everything better.

9. Anytime, Anywhere

Here we were tasked with finding an app that you find interesting, and one of the ones i did find was BUDGE. BUDGE is an app that i found out about that you challenge your friends through acts of charity, like weight loss goal challenge and loser donates most or if they don't quit ciggarettes in a certain amount of time they donate there too. I found it interesting.

Tim Pool Asks Twitter Execs About Election Meddling & US Law | JRE Twitter Special (Links to an external site.)

Journalist Tim Pool brings up a lot of issues about how twitter and a lot of social media platforms can help in campaigns and be very powerful considering how many people are on the platforms. He discusses how twitter does effect campaigns and other issues. Here he discusses it with twitter officials and their on going struggle to become better.

10. Technology Advances, Social Trends (Links to an external site.)

I think they will have a big impact on the future because they can easily bring hydroponic shipping crates made from recycled materials and will be easily brought to parts of the world that are in need. (Links to an external site.) 

This isn't somethings thats too futuristic or new in tech, but is something we recently purchased for my uncle that i got a chance to try out recently. It is sunglasses with built in speakers that are meant to only be heard mainly by you, and to be barely heard by those around you. It is something that bose has been working on for awhile and they do have different types right now. They call them wearables, i think its kind of weird but its cool to see tech combined with fashion to be used for every day use. We decide to use our technological advances more for our own needs instead of society's needs as a whole, which in the end i do find a little disturbing.