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Concept Note : Online Teacher Education in Social Media

Pilot Test : One Semester Module

'Teacher Education' & Educator's time has come to sit up and take note of social media and its impact on learning.

The impact of social media on purpose of learning, learning outcomes, learning designs, delivery models, evaluation styles and teachers' participation in social change processes is critical.

The possibility of using our collective resources in research will be utilized for testing and validating online courses.

Initially, action steps may be

  1. 1. One semester testing of planned online curriculum in social media
  2. 2. Listing out course names scaffolded with OER based content writing
  3. 3. Research based pilot study of online designs with web-based social networking tools
  4. 4. Project based research for a small sample size to test delivery models
  5. 5. Including other universities consortia for collaborative participation
  6. 6. Creating options for credit free course or credit-based courses on the go
  7. 7. Connecting social sustainability skills with learning skills

Shared Link: Udacity : title

Let us detail each step to take this concept further. Awaiting your inputs so far.

Nutan Bharati, CEMCA-COL,