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Contact-new.svg Mae de Los Reyes
Flag of Philippines.svg Philippines
Languages:Filipino, English,
Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand

About Me

Hi! Hello everyone! :)

This is MAE, an international student and came from the place called Philippines. I am currently taking Bachelor of Computing System here at Eastern Institute of Technology Taradale and finally I'm on my final semester (hopefully!). I've been here for five years and stayed at Central Hawke's Bay during my first two years.



This is my hints page.

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  1. Learn more about Wiki
  2. Extend my knowlegde in creating my own wiki page

My Links

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Interesting Links

Are you interested in where do I came from? Philippines Wordpress: myblog


Syntax Highlighter

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Hello World</title>

Week 4 Activity

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RSS Feeds
Assessed Activity 8.2 Winding up the Reflective Blog
Background to Digital Learning Technology What I have learnt? I learnt more about how to use Adobe Connect and the purpose of it mostly for students and teachers. I have learnt how to use WordPress professionally. I have learnt what learning tools...
— Mae 2016-04-14 04:33:53
Assessed Activity 8.1 Online Courseware and Reflection
Below is what exactly I added on Wiki.  Wiki comment link &#8211; Click here &#160;
— Mae 2016-04-13 23:30:28
Assessed Activity 5.1 PLN
This is my Personal Learning Network. I have also added it to wiki  The picture above describes my personal learning network. I don&#8217;t really use tons of networking sites. I just use all the basic and the one that really helps me. My r...
— Mae 2016-04-07 02:23:55
Assessed Activity 6.1 ePortfolio
ePortfolios is an electronic gathering of information that demonstrates your learning venture after some time. Portfolios can identify to a specific academic range or constant learning (google, n.d). For example, WordPress, it is a blogging t...
— Mae 2016-04-04 23:15:05



Delos Reyes, AM (2024). Delosa1. Retrieved December 22, 2024,
