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Contact-new.svg Danny Luna
Employer:De Anza College
Occupation:4th Year Student
Flag of USA.svg USA
Languages:English, Spanish
Flag of USA.svg USA

I am about to be a 4th Year De Anza student and English Major this upcoming fall. When it comes to computers and the internet, I'd say I'm very informed. The internet is both great and risky depending on how you use it, so do so with caution.

Grand Challenges: CO2 into Valuable Products

CO2 is by far one of the most important aspects of climate change threatening everyone in the world right now. Governments everywhere need to begin to actually take Global Warming much more seriously if we want to minimize the damages this Earth most likely will face in the future. Some people are taking it upon themselves in order to come up with solutions to this specific problem. They want to turn the gas into actual products, many of which will help reduce emissions and actually repurpose something wthless into a worthwile venture.

Links to sources:

Group Collaboration Final


This is an example of a search engine that is actually designed specifically for research. It filters out most websites and gives you the most reliable and well researched from credible writers. (Best)

This article talks of China's use of surveillance technology to constantly watch their population. They have not only cameras with fast and intelligent face scanning, they also force install apps that listen on tourists and citizens.

Privacy and Freedom of Speech (Best)

The above article talks of data collection and how tech companies use your information. With enough information, companies can make accurate determinations of who you are as a person with only your web information.

Facebook like many other companies has grown into a corporate giant. One of the biggest concerns with that is that they control so much of what people use, and are cannot be trusted to protect and govern those sites. The 2016 election is an indicator of that.

Intellectual Property (Best)

I chose this resource since it talks of one of the biggest changes happening in the EU in regards to copyright. This bill changes what many people will be able to say and do on sites like YouTube and Twitter, limiting what many people see as their freedom on the internet. .

This article is focused on making sure that artists get their recognition for their work. They use the recent example of Elon Musk outright refusing to credit artists for their work for whatever reason. Being an artist is a unstable job, and for those aspiring to become a well-known artist rely on word of mouth and the sharing of their work.

Crime (Best)

DeepFakes is a very concerning rising technology that is able to accurately and realistically edit faces of people in videos with faces of others. All is needed is a few photos of the face you want to apply and the machine is able to modify the video, which poses many problems for celebrities and officials.

The internet is filled with people trying to steal your information, so making youre aware of common tactics is one way in making sure you don't get caught offguard.

The above article gives some tips on how to make sure you are as secure as possible.

Employment, Education, and Entertainment (Best)

Businesses have learned in today's age that social media presence and the view of the people are huge factors that determine their sales. All businesses usually have some sort of social media they use to promote their brand and this article talks about how social media can help businesses grow and profit.

Jobs have evolved over the years, and right now we are in the middle of the shift of industry into tech. As this article shows, many tech jobs are very in demand and pay very well. The future of jobs are undoubtely headed into the direction of tech, at least for the next few decades.

Grand Challenges (Best)

This is a infographic that shows the role tech plays in disaster situations. Undeniably tech has helped us respond faster and find people much easier in times of crisis. with the help of radios and GPS devices.

Carbon Dioxide poses a great threat to our global climate, so by not only reducing CO2 emissions, organizations are researching of turning that harmful gas into something much better. Ranging from furniture to medicinal ingredients.

Evaluating and Controlling Technology (Best)

Net Neutrality is one of the other hot topic issues in terms of regulation of the internet. The FCC and some political officials see the internet as a cash cow and seek to make money off it however they can. Specifically by favoring some sites over others as the article explains as well as what Net Neutrality means for the US as a whole.

This article goes over what "Internet of Things" means and the implications it has in our lives. We already see a Internet of Things in our daily lives, most likely in ways we don't notice. In the future, this will become much more apparent giving many benefits, as well as risks.

Risks, Failures, and Responsibilities (Best)

Facebook is one of the biggest social media sites, and sadly is the most dangerous. Their inability to correctly moderate their site and inability to protect user data is troublesome and poses a great threat for all people on Facebook. This $5 Billion dollar fine most likely won't stop their shady practices, but stricter regulations might.

While many usually like to focus on the harms or dangers of technology, the good it has the potential to do is extraordinary. The above article talks of new tech that is being developed that will hopefully be able to recreate a person digitally, specifically their health information nd simulate the best treatments for that patient.

Anytime, Anywhere

It is hard to talk about the internet and technology without talking about the impact of video games in the economy and society. This article talks of Twitch Streamers who make money and a living off livestreaming which has become very profitable, and very saturated. (Best)

This article goes over one of the biggest breaches of security in the US in the past few years, maybe ever. With Facebook, a foreign power was able to sway public opinion and thought a certain direction to invalidate our democracy. And until proper action, they have no reason to try again, perhaps on a much bigger scale.

Technology Advances, Social Trends

While this might seem obscure right now, the applications a hoverboard has on the future of transportation is huge. After years of sci-fi shows talking about a future with hover-things, it is slowly becoming real. This has the potential to drastically change transportation in the distant, but near future. (Best)

This article on the other hand goes over Elon Musk's recent reveal of the Neuralink which has many applications. They are developing it to connect to the brain of those with disabilities to help them use technology they couldn't use or had trouble with.

his can perhaps also be applied to regular people to allow them to use tech in a whole new way, which to me seems very concerning.