User:Chetana Kamlaskar

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Contact-new.svg Chetana Kamlaskar
Employer:Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU)
Occupation:Senior Lecturer
Center This user was certified a WikiBuddy by Missan .

My name is Chetana Kamlaskar, working as a senior lecturer in School of Science and Technology at Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) , India.


My SandBox

This is my first page in Wikieducator.

== 1. About Wiki ==

A Wiki is a combination of website and a WordPad. It does not have any access privileges. With the help of internet browse, anyone can open wikieducator.

Novel Features of Wiki
1. Allows Collaborative work
2. Ease of editing
3. Ability to keep track of the history of a document
4. After editing always shows current version

Thanks for providing step by step guidance to perform task 5 activity.

Here is an example of an internal link [National Online Training on Development of Self-Learning Materials]

My queries

  1. How to upload external image file here? Today I got the answer, illustrated in My SandBox
  2. How does cell width adjusted in the table and makes uniform size tables? Yesterday, I have done this activity successfully using width=100%, illustrated in My SandBox
  3. How to change color of the text?