User:Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan

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Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan (CW4WAfghan)

Who We Are

Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan is a volunteer not-for-profit organization founded in 1996 with twelve locations across Canada. CW4WAfghan is a non-religious, non-political, federally registered charity.

The goals are to advance education and educational opportunities for Afghan women and their families; and to educate and increase the understanding of Canadians about human rights in Afghanistan.

Donor funded projects are implemented and managed in partnership with Afghan non-profit organizations. These projects include a number of community schools, village libraries, an orphanage, as well as teacher training, literacy, English and computer classes.

CW4WAfghan is volunteer-based and, with the exception of online credit card donations made through, there are no overhead costs deducted from your donation. Our goal is to raise a minimum of $300,000 per annum to meet our project objectives.

Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan members were honoured with the YMCA Calgary Peace Award in the International category for their long-standing contribution to supporting peace and human rights for Afghan women and their families. Read More...

What We Do

CW4WAfghan has ongoing public engagements, education and fundraising activities in Canada. These include: organizing public events; supplying speakers and making presentations to adult and youth groups; participating in local fundraising initiatives; and networking with social justice groups around the world.  Read more...  

How We Help

Funds received from Canadian donors are directed to programs in Afghanistan aimed at providing higher quality education, particularly for Afghan women and girls.
Our projects in Afghanistan are managed mainly by Afghan women’s grassroots organizations and monitored and evaluated by our Kabul office and board of directors. The projects share the goals of assisting Afghan women in their struggles to end their oppression, to improve conditions of human rights, and to contribute as active members in Afghan society.Read more... 

The Darakht-e Danesh Library


At Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan (CW4WAfghan), we believe that the greatest investment that can be made in Afghanistan’s future is in its teachers. To invest in teachers is to invest in their professional development and to ensure that they have access to knowledge and information that will stimulate their own learning. This, in turn, will contribute to the overwhelmingly important task of providing a high quality education to the youth of Afghanistan.
A major impediment to quality education is the lack of local language educational resources for both teachers and students. Many organizations and individuals have undertook to create specific resources to address this gap for their own programs. The Darakht Danesh Library, created by CW4WAfghan, seeks to bring together as many of these resources as possible, to tap into the wealth of Farsi language materials available from Iran, and to encourage teachers to create and contribute their own educational materials to this collection. We seek to support Afghan teachers to become part of the Open Educational Resource movement, and to harness the potential of OERs for the benefit of Afghan classrooms. Read More...