User:CalypsoTT/Communication/Learning Objectives/Description of communication/Process of communication
1.1.1 Process of communication
Generally, communication is described along a few major dimensions which include content (i.e., what type of things are communicated); source or encoder (i.e., communication by whom); form (i.e., in which form); channel (i.e., through which medium); destination or decoder (i.e., to whom) and purpose or pragmatic aspect.
Communication between parties, i.e., encoder (sender) and decoder (receiver), includes acts such as conferring knowledge and experiences, giving advice and commands and asking questions. These acts may take many different forms, and the form depends on the abilities of the group communicating. Communication content and form together make messages that are sent towards a target or destination. Note that the target can be oneself, another person or being, another entity (such as a corporation or group of beings), etc. Consider the Figure 1.1 in this context:
Figure 1.1 Communication: A Schematic Representation
In a simple model as represented in Figure 1.1, information or content (e.g., a message in natural language) is sent in some form (e.g., as spoken language) from an emisor (i.e., a sender or an encoder to a destination/receiver/decoder.
In a slightly more complex form, a sender and a receiver are linked reciprocally. In the presence of communication noise (i.e., communication disturbance) on the transmission channel (e.g., air), reception and decoding of content may be faulty, and thus the speech act may not achieve the desired effect. Note that speech acts refer to particular instances of communication.
Before we read further, it is important to note that communication is a creative and dynamic continuous process and it is not merely a discrete exchange of information.
Let us non work out Learning Activity 1.1 before reading the communication types in Subsection 1.1.2
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