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Contact-new.svg Stephen Booth
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Center This user was certified a WikiBuddy by Mackiwg .

Today is: 17, July 2024



My name is Stephen Booth. I am a teacher of Year 7 students (12 year olds) at St Barnabas C.E. First & Middle School, Drakes Broughton, near to Pershore & Worcester in Great Britain. I have various roles within school:

  1. I'm the school's ICT Coordinator;
  2. I'm Head of Year 7 (I have pastoral responsibilities for 71 students;
  3. I'm a member of the school's Senior Leadership Team.

I have been a teacher for nearly 25 years and have always been fascinated by how ICT motivates students (and me too!). I know very little about Wikis or Blogs and so I thought I'd join the course and this group to gain some knowledge and skills.

My school has recently purchased a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and together with a colleague I have been assigned the task of introducing the VLE to colleague and students during the forthcoming academic year. One of the facilities within the VLE is the ability to generate Wikis.

I'm here to soak up lots of skills and knowledge and then to share them within anyone who might be interested but most certainly back at school with students and colleagues.



p.s. Many apologies to the wiki neighbour that posted on my page but I accidentally deleted your text and couldn't get it back. Sorry!

  • All the following are in your tutorials, but I put them here for you as a kind of learning shortcut. Earlier posts on bottom, later ones on top.
  • Here is another tip. Uploading Pictures. You have a picture on your computer. You want to put it onto a page you are editing. Remember where it is and what it is called on your computer. On your page, in edit mode, you name the file by whatever name you want to call it. Do not use a generic name like "My_picture" or it will get easily mixed up on the WikiEd site. Best is to put your name in the file name you choose. Make sure the extension is one of the many Wiki can handle, like gif, png or jpg. Put it inside two sets of square brackets. At the beginning, type in the word image followed by a colon followed by your image file name. Then save and that puts your page into publishing mode, and you have a web page again. The image file name should appear in red, indicating that it has not been used already. Click on it and a new page will appear that has easy instructions abut uploading the file from your computer. Do it. The image gets its own page. When you see it, go to the bottom of that image page; click on your page name and there it will be.--Phil Bartle 13:52, 29 July 2009 (UTC)
  • Another tip is to borrow from your Wiki neighbours. Browse around other User pages. If there is anything you like, just copy it and paste it in to your user page. Make any modification you need, and there you are. --Phil Bartle 03:15, 28 July 2009 (UTC)
  • If you have not seen it yet, I recommend that you look at the youtube video clip on Wikis. In WikiEd, as in the video, the most important buttons are edit and save. A third button, Link, is not quite the same on WikiEd. To make a sub page, in edit mode, you simply give it a name. put forward slashes around it, then two square brackets in front and after the result. When you save, the word will be in red. Click on it and it will tell you there is no such page. As soon as you start editing, the sub page is created. --Phil Bartle 03:05, 27 July 2009 (UTC)