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Establishment: Center for Development Initiatives (CDI) is a not-for--profit indigenous voluntary NGO (Charity) established in 1997, to engage in participatory development which makes basic difference in the life of the marginalized community members with special emphases for children, youth, women and poor households in Ethiopia.

Legal Personality: The legal personality of CDI is affirmed by its statutes approved by constituencies and the registration Certificate from the Charities and Societies Agency. 4. Organizational Set-up: The organizational structure of CDI is framed on the basis of the hierarchical order of the General Assembly, the Auditor, the Board and the Secretariat. 5. Vision, Mission, Objectives and Values: 5.1 Vision: CDI’s inspires to see self -

sufficiency in the life of the people of Ethiopia 

5.2 Mission: CDI’s working towards Child and Youth Development through ensuring basic social and economic Development, encouraging people to build up their indigenous capacities and realizing socio-economic transformation

5.3 Objectives (Goals)

Improved basic services for child and youth survival and development. Built communities capacity through adding value on their accumulated knowledge which would enable them to realize socio-economic transformation. Enhanced organizational development of CDI.

5.4 CDI’s Core Values Non-partisan Genuine dedication trust worthiness Accountability Transparency Integrity


Respect the values, developmental attitudes and norms of the community

6. CURRENT AREAS OF OPERATION WEST ARSI ZONE - Shashemane district - Shashemane town - Sirarro District - Shalla District - Adaba District - Arsi Negele

Tips and Options

  1. Fitsum's page
  2. Micheas's page
  3. Nicholas's page
  1. |CNN news Page


Icon objectives.jpg
  1. Objective 1
  2. Objective 2
  3. Objective 3
  4. Objective 4

Activities Template:Acitivities

Icon summary.gif
