Greetings !
I'm currently involved in a number of projects that grow the use of open web publishing for networked learning purpose.
This "free-as-in-freedom" concept builds on my atrocious occupation as an educator and artist living in Sydney, Australia. Yes....the two actually do mix and yes I employ both parts of brain in either vocation.
I am a trained educator in the primary, secondary, vocational training and the tertiary sectors with a keen interest in creative discourse that unifies digital literacy, folksonomies, networked identity, m-learning and open web publishing. I'm keen to explore ways of linking communities from all parts of the world using networked learning technologies and growing knowledge and happiness along the path of the learning journey.
One of these days I'll get around to completing a Doctorate of Creative Arts - time permitting. Family ( you included ) come first :-)
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This is a growing body of research and you are welcome to contribute to this discussion. I'm also endeavoring to assist others in this world by participating in events like FLNW as I am conscious of the fact that others regard online education as self important navel gazing and the idea of the Future of Learning in Networked World un-conference is to grow TALO beyond technology focused online information gathering, to build a robust and sustainable model of engaging others with networked technologies.
I've done a billion things which I keep forgetting or remembering when it counts for role descriptions such as curriculum designer, project manager, research officer, professional development co-ordinator and a host of roles as consultant to the Australian Flexible Learning Network, the Justice sector and with many community organizations as both artist and educator.