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this my page

I am Abebe working as a communication person for some years now. I am now working at an international organisation.

I am now currently working in a project called Livestock Policy Initiative, whose purpose is to formulate and implment pro-poor policy policies that can reduce poverty and food insecurity in the Horn of Africa. The project is basically focusing on capcity building in areas of:

  1. Livelihoods - based,
  2. Participatory and
  3. evidence-based policy making processes].
  4. The country teams in each country in the IGAthD region
  • conducts a pollicy-related meetings to discuss on specific policy issues.

livestock markeing site


150px right

tyhis is the second page


A couple of days ago i had given a workshop in lesson learning. In this workshop, having introduced the issues related to Area 1 of the LL framework, I and the facilitator o lead the session. Accordingly, I allowed participants to form two groups, go through the draft concept notes prepared for the LL F, and start discussions based on the questions attached to the document which intended to guide and frame the dialogues and to bring in specific findings to the plenary. Accordingly, the two groups came up with the following results:

File:Mali Peul 2.jpg


A couple of days ago i had given a workshop in lesson learning. In this workshop, having introduced the issues related to Area 1 of the LL framework, I and the facilitator o lead the session. Accordingly, I allowed participants to form two groups, go through the draft concept notes prepared for the LL F, and start discussions based on the questions attached to the document which intended to guide and frame the dialogues and to bring in specific findings to the plenary. Accordingly, the two groups came up with the following results: