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1. Introductions

Online community service

You can apply here online to be a online volunteer translator for things such as medical text or crisis/emergency response.

Project Gutenberg is a place to volunteer for proofreading ebooks online. You can do a page at a time as often as you'd like making it very convenient.

2. Privacy and Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech and censorship.

This article highlights the recent struggles and cases between free speech and censorship regarding online platforms. It asks the question of whether online spaces like Facebook and other social media sites should be restricted by the first amendment. While courts in recent times have ruled these sites to be a public space these sites are still private companies and it seems unlikely they will be subject to freedom of speech. Currently these companies can still censor their own platforms even though it feels that they have grown to be an extension of our speech. However the article also argues that maybe online speech should be censored as it seems hate speech has grown online very quickly over the past few years.

Privacy and Personal Information

Privacy is being increasingly harder to protect online. To survive in our current world and economy you have to create "data" which is collected by companies and businesses. With this is mind should we accept that some private information is bound to be shared and instead embrace it to receive better products and services in return?

3. Intellectual Property

Creative Commons & Free Use

This site has a video that explains what creative commons is and how to use it. It covers an example of a person using creative commons and neatly explains situations around it.

This site explains what is fair use and examples of what falls in line with fair use.

4. Crime

Internet Piracy (Links to an external site.)

This site talks about the problems of internet piracy. It also points out that piracy has actually decreaased over the past few years but is still a problem with illegal distribution of copyright material like music or movies. I find illegal downloads and torrents to be an interesting gray area. In the past companies have tried to shut down both pirate sites and piraters. Is piracy wrong? Should we infringe on people's privacy to catch pirates? Should pirate sites or those who pirate be punished, or both?

Hacked (Links to an external site.)

This site goes over what being hacked means , where to get help, and how to prevent it. This resource is great for anyone who goes online to prevent risks and educate themselves on the topic.

5. Employment, Education, and Entertainment

Business and Social Media (Links to an external site.)

This site explains how to build social media marketing for your business. Right now it is mandatory to get into social media as a business owner. You simple can reach more customers than ever possible without it and it is even possible to do it for free and gain more traffic that way. Especially for online businesses, social media marketing is the main strategy for gaining traffic and making sales.

K-8 Engineering (Links to an external site.)

This site provides multiple fun class activities to do in a curriculum. These activities relate to real world problems and is a great way to learn the importance of engineering and why we still need great engineers for NASA as an example.

6. Midterm - Grand Challenges

Artificial intelligence is a new technology still in its infancy. However AI may be the next biggest discovery in technology since the internet or computers itself. AI applications are almost endless and can be used in a variety of fields like health and medical care. One company that is pioneering the AI field is google with their google deepmind projects. One recent AI research project within deepmind is particularly interesting with AI learning a video game I happen to take interest in which is Starcraft II, a real-time strategy game that has a long history in esports. AI has since been used to play games like go or chess but Starcraft II is by far more complex than most games.This is why the Deepmind team has chosen Starcraft II as a testing ground for AI research. They start the AI program, in this case it's called Alpha Star, with a few algorithms and pits Alpha Star against itself millions of times helping the AI learn new strategies. This formula essentially makes it possible for AI to learn almost any task and so far the AI has already beat professional Starcraft II players in show matches which is both amazing and terrifying at the same time.

AI research in video games is fun and entertaining, but it does have real world applications. AI learning can be applied in the medical field to diagnose, treat, and prescribe medication to patients much faster and more accurately than a human doctor could.

AI research has already made breakthroughs in the medical and scientific fields. Deepmind has already had AI diagnose eye diseases with extreme accuracy and speed as good as world-leading expert doctors. Research in this field might make this diagnosing AI availble in any eye clinic.

Now it is even possible for AI learning to help make new discoveries in the scientific fields. Machine learning has been used to predict protein folding based on genetic sequences. This is important because many diseases are believed to be caused by misfolded proteins; diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's, and cystic fibrosis.

I regard these links as my "best" sources as they are big projects at Google that I feel aren't well known. They are very interesting studies including video games and show how they can benefit society in unique and important ways.

7. Evaluating and Controlling Technology

Machine Learning

A good article to get acquainted with the terms and differences between different types of machine intelligence. You can learn the four types of machines intelligence which is cognitive computing, AI, machine learning, and deep learning. If you have limited knowledge on machine learning then this article is great but does not go over the deeper details of each.

This article goes much deeper into machine intelligence. It also talks about deep learning and AI and breaks down how machine intelligence works and learns. It does have a lot of AI jargon and isn't written well in a way that is easy to understand.

8. Risks, Failures, and Responsibilities

This article talks about online professionalism in relation to social media. How to act and suggestions for both individuals and institutions.

This article talks about safety when computing. It talks about ways to prevent and protect yourself online and how to avoid viruses and theft online

This article talks about "netiquette" or online web etiquette. It provides ways on how to see an online space similar to a society or business and how to act accordingly.

9. Anytime, Anywhere


This article talks about the rising popularity of mobile gaming. It gives 5 clear reasons why mobile gaming is rising and how come it has become so popular.


This article explains video game addiction, more specifically detailing mobile gaming. It defines video game addiction, mobile gaming's contribution, psychology of game addiction, and where and how to get help. The article backs up its claims well with statistics and explains the basic rundown of video game addiction without demonizing games or gaming itself.

10. Technology Advances, Social Trends

Virtual Reality (Links to an external site.)

VR is becoming important and a big part of tech but not only in entertainment. Medical education and VR use has been more well known but VR in engineering is becoming just as important. It is not as wide spread yet but VR applications match very well with an engineering standpoint. It allows for easy visualization of a 3D space which is very important to engineering and allows for manipulations of objects to be able to test your work. So far engineering has not taken up VR as fast as the medical field but it's applications and advantages are likely to catch on.

Social Media and Mental Health (Links to an external site.)

This info graphic and article gives some insight to the effects of social media platforms. It interestly points out different aspects between each social media platform and also point out that not all platforms are equal. When comparing facebook, instagram, and youtube, it turns out that youtube stands out from the other platforms in how it affects users and is much less damaging. Facebook and instagram tend to have more cyber bullying and negative body standards.