Use of televission and video in education
Television in education -
Television has the power to mould the thinking of a nation. It has long been acknowledged, perhaps tacitly, that the medium can be immensely effective not only in enhancing the education experience, but also in leading it. Because television covers such a broad range of subjects, there is something for everyone. Whether you are teaching ‘A’ Level biology or undertaking doctoral study in economics, there will be a programme of relevance to you. Students, teachers, university administrators, even Vice-Chancellors, can all use such content to enrich the learning experience.
Video in education
1. Quick Start: It is better if you plan your video project first but start here if you wish!
- Grab a digital video camcorder.
- Make sure you have a tape inserted and a charged battery attached.
- Find a suitable subject or scene.
- Turn the camcorder on by switching to CAMERA (usual choices are VCR/OFF/CAMERA).
- Fold out the LCD screen or look at your subject through the viewfinder.
- Hold the camcorder steady, press the RECORD/PAUSE button and start filming
(avoid flitting rapidly from scene to scene or sudden zooms in or out)
(remember that you are also recording all sounds or voices in the area)
(do not film other people without permission)
- Press the pause/record button to stop filming
- Review your efforts by switching to VCR (not CAMERA), REWIND and then PLAY
Take a few more practice segments while experimenting with different camera angles, varying distance from the subject (or different zoom levels) or with lighting from different directions. Review your progress by switching to VCR, rewinding to the start, pressing play and watching via the viewfinder or LCD screen. Alternatively plug your camcorder in to a television (possibly via a video cassette recorder - VCR) and check out the quality of your work by watching it at full screen size.
Once you have had some practice it is critical that you plan your video project rather than just rushing around recording a whole heap of scenes and then spending hours to edit out all the garbage (see the Project Planning section for some ideas
Possible Uses of video in education
- create learning resource video clips (for use by students or the professional development of staff)
- prepare educational segments on safety issues (e.g. on roads, in playground, at home)
- assist in a variety of ways with the learning of other languages
- preparation of mini documentaries, interviews or news reports
- record students role playing difficult social situations
- record school performances, excursions, special events, field trips, visits by specialists, etc.
- collect video of authentic workplace situations that can be analyzed in maths or statistics classes
- use frame by frame analysis techniques to accurately record rapid change in experiments or sport
- compile still images over a long period to produce time lapse movies
- use frame grabbing software to record and analyze critical events
- increase student awareness of manipulative techniques used in advertising
- develop greater critical literacy skills by comparing television or movie segments with own creations
- view difficult, dangerous or expensive experiments or activities (recorded with specialists)
- assist in the introduction of disabled students into mainstream classes
- show skills that are quicker to learn by observation (e.g. sewing a French seam)
- record and analyse student or teacher presentations
- ...