University of Canterbury e-Learning Lab/News and events
Interactive technologies to support classroom interaction
Professor Steven Higgins, Durham University
Wednesday 26th January, 2010, 12-1 pm in UC Otakaro 205.
In this informal seminar Professor Steven Higgins, of Durham University in the UK will talk about his national project SynergyNet: Supporting Collaborative Learning in an Immersive Environment ( ). See also
Participants may discuss the challenges of research in the context of education, including school age students or any aspect of the topic. The SynergyNet project aims to:
- create a radically new technology-rich learning environment that integrates with traditional classroom layouts and collective activities.
- design and implement a new form of user interface for educational multi-touch systems.
- formulate a new pedagogy that eases transition and movement between teacher-centric and pupil-centric interaction.
- analyse pupils’ learning strategies to inform fundamental research by capturing data as pupils use the SynergyNet environment.
All welcome, including Partner Schools, researchers and postgraduate students No booking required for UC participants. Non UC participants: please email Tracey.Gaskin to signal your intention to attend. You are welcome to pass this invitation on to relevant colleagues.
Nga mihi
Niki Davis
Director of the College of Education e-Learning Lab