UNZA/Wiley InterScience

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About Wiley InterScience

Wiley InterScience is a dynamic online content service containing the full text of over 500 leading scientific, technical, medical, and professional journals and The Cochrane Library - the world's best single source of evidence about the effects of health care.

Getting Started

Launch the browser. Add the following URL to start the Wiley InterScience website : http//www3.interscience.wiley.com

Search techniques

There are three main search techniques that you can use to find information on the Internet.

Simple search:From the Wiley InterScience home page, type in your search term in the search bar.

Phrase search: To search for a phrase, put inverted comas around a phrase.

  • Type Forensic medicine without quotation marks into the search query box. Notice the number of results
  • Type "Forensic medicine" within quotation marks into the search query box. There is a significant decrease in the number of results.
  • If you want to have the search engine search the two words together as a phrase, you must put quotation marks around the words. (e.g. "Forensic medicine").
  • Exact phrase searching is a way to get fewer and more useful results.

Boolean operators: This is where you use operators like AND, OR and NOT. These Boolean operators establish a relationship between the keywords/concepts in a search and thus modify the results from that search.

  • A searcher can specify that terms must appear in the items retrieved by using the AND operator.
  • Using the operator AND between keywords will limit the results of a search because all the keywords have to be present in order for an item to be retrieved.
  • Using the OR operator results in either or both of your search terms appearing in your results.
  • Using the OR operator will result in a larger number of retrieved items and therefore expands the search.
  • The NOT (or AND NOT) operator forbids the word after it from appearing in the items resulting from your search.
  • NOT or AND NOT thus narrows or limits a search by excluding the keyword immediately following it.