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". . . Jane has been compiling the Directory of Learning Tools – which now contains over 1,700 free and commercial tools suitable for use for learning and performance purposes. However, it is the Top 10 Tools feature that has captured the attention of many people, and has more than achieved its goal of spreading the word about the wide range of tools available for learning in all its forms"
Another wiki on a similar theme . . .
- Tomorrow's Professor. Probabaly one of the best HE Teaching and Learning sites on the net.
- Innovate Innovate is published bimonthly as a public service by the Fischler School of Education and Human Services at Nova Southeastern University. In the October/November (2007) issue we provide readers with a survey of technology-enhanced proposals and initiatives in a diverse range of contexts--within the academy, beyond the academy, and across the globe. Requires a username and password to access. Free.
Including an article by Stephen Downes Abstract: "Stephen Downes reviews Facebook, one of the most widely popular of social networking sites that has emerged in recent years. In his review, Downes notes that Facebook is distinctive because its stronger roots in the academic community, and he proposes that the site's varied and distinctive functions allow it to provide a very different model of how online tools can be used in eduational contexts. After outlining such functions in greater detail, Downes also addresses the redesign of Facebook to allow the use of external applications for posting content; he also reassesses the limitations that some have noted with regard to its "closed" structure—particularly the inability of users to export Facebook lists and other documents to other platforms or systems. Downes observes that the problem of finding an ideal balance between privacy and freedom is inevitable because of the site's key features, and he concludes that its relatively closed structure may indeed have been the original purpose of the designers."