Tips on Being a Pool Player
From WikiEducator
Tips On Being A Pool Player (Laurie Lakhati, Grenada's Number 7)
December 22 2024
- One a day keeps the doctor away
- Try your best to practice daily
- Like any other sportsman, eat properly
- You may think that this is not a physically inclined sport so you don't need to, but it does include a lot of bending and stretching, more importantly there is a lot of brain work involve.
- Have a proper Cue Stick
- Something balanced and of proper weight, not just any "old thing"
- Always strive to play among the BETTER PLAYER
- Playing among same level players all the time takes more discipline and dedication to improve.
- One can get over confident at such a level
- Beginners Luck does not last among the strong
- Do not get over confident when you start of as the bomb
- Do not get the common idea "I better than he"
- Decision Making Is Very Important, Clear Headed Decisions
- Do not pay mind to too many voices on the outside, and make a clear decision before attempting your shots