Your user page
- Good to meet a fellow Wikizen, especially from Ghana. Well designed site.--Philbartle 15:06, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
Philbartle (talk)
Eh, opanin, me tsia wo. Ete sen?
Sorry i saw your message rahter late. I have followed a lot of your wonderful works in the WE Community. I didnt know you were a Ghanaian in spirit. Your profile is the best i have read so far, as you marry humore with functionality. I am also happy that almost all your friends, etc. in CEC are on WE, Kudos! I am happy to meet you here once again.
As to my site, i only do my best at "dubbing" from the good works of others. Thanks for the complements though. I am very impressed about your use of gifs which i beleive you created yourself. Will start "dubbing" from you soon <smile>. Looking foward to more discussions and collaboration.