Welcome to MBL2

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Dear Lions, a big welcome to our Wiki and a Happy new Year to you all.

This chat will be moderated by Kago. Just log in at the top right hand corner and say hello to all. Try this before the date and time for the meeting.


Victor.mensah (talk)09:45, 30 January 2010

Hi Guys. Iam ready to go

Hove (talk)04:58, 1 February 2010

Hi Taurai, had to rush to a nearby cafe, the internet @ home was unstable, my apologies for being late...

Kay go (talk)05:11, 1 February 2010

Luisa did send an email saying we should have the wiki-meeting next week so lets give the others until 1930 and then lets call it a night...Shumi has recently moved to Uganda so he hasn't managed to get any internet connection @ home yet, and Victor is writting tomorrow so he's busy preparing.

Kay go (talk)05:17, 1 February 2010

Do u think they will avail themselves. I have not seen Luisa's mail. Was she saying next week? What was the reason for that.

Hove (talk)05:22, 1 February 2010

She sent the mail this morning, have you had a chance to browse through the first assignments?

Kay go (talk)05:25, 1 February 2010

Yes. I have gone true them

Hove (talk)05:27, 1 February 2010

Baba! Baba! zwakapuresa iwe!

Kay go (talk)05:28, 1 February 2010

Hazvina kumira mushe. So le tsa which subjects Rra before we call it a day

Hove (talk)05:34, 1 February 2010

you noticed they require an entire group effort! the sooner we start the better...

Kay go (talk)05:30, 1 February 2010

it's 1930, lets call it a night!

Kay go (talk)05:33, 1 February 2010

Are u still there? Yes i agree we should start now because time is not and will never be on our side. The sooner the better

Hove (talk)05:37, 1 February 2010