Lifting Farmers Out of Poverty

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this is amazing, I had no idea that the world of aggriculture was so complex, or so vast. It makes since, because we all need to eat, and even the things we eat need to eat, so it is understandable that this industry is so vast. However one would assume that with such a vast industry, processes would naturally be streamlined and opperting at its highest potential. However the law of supply and demand surely does come into play, in regards to the work force. With so many willing and able to do this work, the need to streamline is nill. It is sad to see the tragic reality of an occupation which employs so many, the more who can, or are doing a particular job, the less valuable it is. Yet I do fin encouragement in the fact that there are people in the world who ponder this problem and recognize that just because this is the current reality, that it does not need to stay the reality. And the ideas proposed in order to revamp the industry globally by even revolutionizing the thoughts behind who can and should do the work is tremendous. However I do have a few questions. If farming becomes more mechanized than it already is, using technology, do you not supposed that this will minimize the amount of jobs available, or lower to value of what is produced? My major concern would be that if it becomes to modernized, than it could be adopted by big businesses who could afford to produce crops with minimal labor, putting even more people deeper into poverty, do you disagree?

Jaytee1596 (talk)08:21, 18 February 2020