CIS Final

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1. Introduction

 1-1 (best in chapter 1)

→ this article shows about our curiosity 'Is Wikipedia is reliable?'. To me, Wikipedia was one of the best way to get information. In that point, I think Wikipedia is good page to know light knowledge, But to get deeper information, I think there are lots of pages to get more deeper and professional information.


→ Tech enthusiast Kevin Kelly asks "What does technology want?" and discovers that its movement toward ubiquity and complexity is much like the evolution of life.

2. privacy and freedom of speech


→ It indicates how people treats their personal information. It says that people needs to treat their information more attentively. This article

2-2( best in chapter 2)!?modal_active=none

→ As Google is the top site that people usually use, Knowing how google protect user information is very important. They have robot safety system to protect it.

3. Intellectual Property

3-1(best in chapter 3)

→ This site explains well about what is copyright and which action is copyright. If somebody don’t knows about copyright and want to know about it, This site will be the best site to understand the definition.


→ This site explains how to get a license to avoid copyright. three models or approaches to transferring or licensing your work that are relatively straightforward and therefore can be accomplished without the assistance of a lawyer. So This site will help you to work on alone when your working on something.

4. Crime


→ To understand something, Wikipedia is quite good site I think. People actually don’t know what is crime action in internet so It is essential to understand about the crime in internet.

4-2(best in chapter 4)

→ When it comes to Internet crime only a few offenses make headlines. We all know the downloading of music, images, and movies without consent is illegal, but what else is going down on the world wide web that's landing people behind bars? A lot, actually. People all over the world use the Internet to commit a host of crimes, some of which the public doesn't even know are capable of being done electronically. Before you get any bright ideas to make a quick buck, take a quick glance at the 10 most common Internet crimes and the penalties that go along with them.

5. employment, education and entertainment

5-1 (best in chapter 5)

→ This site focus on thinking wisely when talking, there are student section and teacher section. All contributions are database and display tools demonstrate trends in classroom thinking.


→This site indicates how to teach well in school which is located in poverty. Children living in poverty face many barriers to accessing an education. Some are obvious — like not having a school to go to — while others are more subtle, like the teacher at the school not having had the training needed to help children learn effectively.

6. Grand Challenge


→ The water crisis is real. It’s affecting women, children, families and farmers. Women and girls in sub-Saharan Africa are spending hours a day fetching dirty water which leads to illness and disease, robbing entire communities of their futures.


→ This site explains how countries educates female student. In america, female students nd male students are equal so we don’t know how other country works, but knowing other countries education system will teach us how to work on for the educational equalism.

7. Evaluating and controlling technology

7-1 (best site in chapter 7)

→ As the A.I is the future technology in the near future, This article introduces us Top 10 Trending Artificial Intelligence Frameworks and Libraries. Although people who doesn’t know about A.I, this article is interesting to read.


→ This site is open discussion that discuss about ‘Is net neutrality a good idea or a bad idea? What are the pros and cons?’. Through reading people's’ opinion, we can expand our viewpoint.

8. Risks, failure, and responsibility

8-1(best in chapter 8)

→ This site introduce future medical technology. Future medical technology breakthroughs will build from the incredible progress made in nanotechnology, biotechnology, computers, the information learned from deciphering the human genome and other scientific and technical areas.


→ This site is quite hard to understand if you don’t have advance information. Articles name is “What Does “Responsible Innovation” Mean?”, but It is not just explaining definition like wikipedia. But it can get more professional information.

9. Anytime, anywhere

9-1(best in chapter 9)

→ This is the company that provides educational program that we can use anywhere, anytime. As we are the college student, we’ll not going to use it, but in the future, we’ll use more advanced program to our child so it is essential to know what is this program.


→ This site introduce us 14 of the best new apps to download now. This article focus on present, not future or past. There are examples like TicToc, Bear, CoStar… It will be interesting article if one is finding a new application.

10. Technology advances, social trends

10-1(best in Chapter 10)

→ This YouTube video shows 7 amazing technology that we will see in 2030s. It is imagination and we don’t know the future, but imagining the future is always interesting and sometimes, imagination inspire to the scientists.


→ This site is also introducing 10 technology that we could meet in 2020. This article is published in january in 2020, so this article might seem more accurate than first article. Because it needs to be with the reasoning.

Minha Choi (talk)15:15, 23 March 2020