AI to solve world problems research.

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This article talks about helping problems that humanity is currently facing with the use of AI. One of the five problems mentioned in this article is the optimization of electrical grids. With the use of AI controlling such resources as an energy grid, it could allow for the world to be more efficient with the power use. Companies are testing AI with electrical grids as the use of such technology could help in auto adjusting energy loads, thus leading to be more energy efficient countries and maybe eventually the whole world. This experiment is being tested in the UK. I believe that using AI for problems like this can help the world by becoming more efficient and not mistakenly using our resources until they burn out.

This article stood out to me the most because if any problem that needs AI's help would the medical problems. In this article many ways of AI use are mentioned to help anyone in the medical field and allow for safer medical procedures to be done. Right now a problem that is being faced is diagnosis. The traditional way of diagnosing a chronic illness or a disease is somewhat slow and sometimes very inaccurate. This article states that with the help of AI technology the turnaround time for diagnosing will be alot faster and more accurate than every before. Along with time being a problem, money is also an issue for many human beings who just simply can't afford health insurance. With the use of AI the costs would be lowered as well. Using AI for medical is something im all for, being able to detect certain illnesses or diseases are beneficial to the patients. It would allow for faster treatment options and a higher chance of surviving a diagnosed illness. Also being affordable for all people would help end the problem of sick patients all around the world who can't afford medical help.

According to approximately 1.25 million people die in car crashes a year. It's no doubt that accidents happen but with the use of AI we can reduce that margin of error behind the wheel and prevent major accidents in the future. Tesla is most recognized for their autonomous driving cars. Its no secret that its still in the works as there have been issues found with the sensors that help for self driving, but in the near future it will be fixed and many commuters will have self driving cars. Another benefit besides having less accidents on the roadways is that traffic will also be cut down. In the bay area traffic is ridiculous, mostly cause by accidents who end up slowing traffic because of a lane blockage or simply people stopping to stare. With the use of AI we get benefits with safety and time. This article also mentions that with self driving cars people will have more time to work or entertain themselves while on their commute, which can be seen as a Pro and a Con. Using AI while driving can also lead to a less stressful commute by not having to worry about not causing a major accident. I really see AI being used in all cars in the near future, with the intention of having a safer and more time efficient roadway.

JorgeRamirez97 (talk)09:29, 15 February 2020