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Hi Sarah, I've seen some of the students tweets and blogs in MUN page. It seems an exciting course, and you are talking and debating about all those issues which our governments are not dealing properly... or not dealing at all. I was involved as an activist, in 2011 and 2012, in the Spanish Indignados Movement (the forerunner of Occupy Wall Street). That was a powerful experience about making politics from the other side, from the grassroot-participatory democracy (you can see a video I edited about this for English speaking people, in, with English subtitles). It would be nice to introduce this debate (the participatory democracy from grassroot people) in an environment like the United Nations. As you probably know, the push and perspectives of our Indignados Movement have taken shape in a new party, Podemos, which is threatening the supremacy of the two main parties in Spain. In fact, surveys say they are the first party in vote intention for the next general election (November 2015). Perhaps next year I can participate as a student in your MUN course. It seems amazing.

Grian (talk)22:33, 23 April 2015