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Hello Grian,

Your course description is so interesting and well-organized. When I started ds4oer, I was focussed on learning the 'how to' tech aspects of delivering an open course and hadn't planned on actually creating one myself. But your strong, clear stance on critical thinking about democratic process helped me develop my own idea for a potential micro online course. Thanks for the inspiration!

When I reviewed your blueprint and Marc's course development docs I was struck by the emphasis on empathy in both of your courses. It's a focus in my course design too (although I haven't yet posted my storyboard and outline). It's heartening to know that others see empathy as a crucial need in our times - it always was important, now it's critical.

I took the liberty of making a few typo edits – if that's annoying to you, I won't do it again!

Best, Donna

donnaquayote (talk)17:07, 23 April 2015

Hi Donna, Thank you so much for correcting my edition. What a surprise that someone has bothered to perfect my bad English! :D Thank you very much! I'm happy that my work had inspired you. And, yes, we urgently need to instill empathy in our world in these times. Our world is in hands of a bunch of financial brokers and, according to comments from people who have been working in these environments, they have absolutely no empathy. In fact, they say that most of them are real sociopaths, even some of them psychopaths. So we need to compensate in a way or another, isn't? Now I will see your course description. I'm sure it will be so interesting. Thank you a lot, Donna, for your kind comments and for correcting my page. All the best, Grian

Grian (talk)21:23, 23 April 2015

Hi Grian, Your English is very good ... and much better than my Spanish! Noticing detail is an occupational hazard for instructional designers. There were just a few typos and I thought there was a word missing in one place - but after rethinking it I'm not sure if I'm clear on what you meant in your last learning outcome:

  • Developing an autonomous work and learning

I added the word perspective to make a complete sentence. But on 2nd thought, if you meant the learning outcome to be more active, then you could say: Developing autonomous work and learning. That sounds more in keeping with your work than a mere perspective ;-)

You may have seen the film The Corporation – which is an analytical and even legal confirmation of the psychopathy in action. [[1]]

donnaquayote (talk)06:33, 24 April 2015