Computers and Society Individual Project

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"Best" resources

1. Introductions

[7 Cups] I chose 7 cups as the online community services to share as you can volunteer to be a listener, listening to people discuss their problems on the form you choose to work on. A few forms are depression, anxiety, and bipolar. To me, this is the best resource of mine for this topic.

[Volunteer match] is another great online volunteer work source that would help you find a place to volunteer that better matches you so you can help others. Ive listed this link also so that if lending a listening ear isnt to your liking the site volunteer match can help you find another thing to volunteer, whether its online or in person.

2. Privacy and Freedom of Speech

[]If you connect your personal computer to an open Wi-Fi network, you take the chance of exposing personal information to the public. I still find personal information leaks to be a big thing we need to have better fixes for. This was my best reference.

[A Broken Backpack] is a blog following a woman named Melissa’s travel experiences and what she thinks about the places, which is a freedom of speech.

3. Intellectual Property

[CSUSA] covers what is and isn't covered by copyright and how to get your works copyrighted. And even how to go about getting rights to remix or copy a copyrighted item. This is important for creators like me. This is my best reference.

[Nightingale]This page goes over the importance of intellectual philanthropy.

4. Crime

[Catless] covers the AI that was released that can create full paragraphs from just a simple prompt. It covers what it has been used for and what potential dangers can happen.

[This Computer Crime] article covers what is considered a crime on the web, like theft and cyberbullying. But it brings up child porn too. This is my best reference.

5. Employment, Education, and Entertainment

[This Psychology textbook] is something I'm looking forward to learning a bit of and is a great source for online education in the realm of psychology.

[] is a very easy to use the site to help you find online internships and regular internships. This is my best reference.

6. Midterm - Grand Challenges

[Ocean explorer] goes over the simple things people use every day for the ocean like boats and subs that have really helped further the research into the ocean.

[Mental Floss]s goes over smaller technologies that can observe and collect samples of the ocean floors. Like the Soft grippers that are able to gently collect samples of plant life from the ocean floor. This is my best reference.

7. Evaluating and Controlling Technology

[] has an article about 10 of the most powerful examples of the Internet of Things. A lot of these things require giving private information and or letting the thing listen in. Is all the good it does worth the invasion of privacy?

[James Veitch] has a ted talk about scam emails and how he deals with them. this is my favorite link of the subject.

8. Risks, Failures, and Responsibilities

[] This article goes over what reliability is and why there is no long term reliability as most stuff are created and put on the market right away and not tested to see how long it lasts. Leaving room for computer or technology to have things like mechanism malfunctions.

[Computers in medicine] This article talks about how most of our medical information and files are all on computes now. This poses the threat of our medical records getting out if the systems were hacked, which a big deal for most. I have already had issues where some of my records were already lost multiple times.

9. Anytime, Anywhere

[Online voting] is an important topic than political advertising in my opinion. I'm not someone who likes to talk about political stuff but I think it's great that people can now vote from were ever as most people are to busy to actually go to the voting polls.

[Udemy] is a great online source of different classes that you can take to learn programming. I had been using this site to learn some scripting before I decided I wanted it as my job and now I'm pursuing my degree in it. This is my best reference.

10. Technology Advances, Social Trends

[FIXD] is a new device made to let you know what’s wrong with your car and what could fix it to help you not be ripped off by mechanics or go too long without taking your car in, which a lot of people would love. This is my best reference.

[Science Daily] Talks about how the use of the internet can change our brains to not have a great memory or social skills, while is can also make them better too, which is pretty interesting.

Dmforte777 (talk)09:41, 4 August 2019