Thank you for being such a good Neighbor

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Dear Alejandra, what a cheerful and warm looking talk page. Just like your visits. Thank you for being such a friendly neighbor. I love the flowers that you're always bringing, I think now even if you don't bring any flowers I will remember them when I see your post. they have become your trade mark :-) Tambien la Mafalda, es estupenda y te favorece :-) Lo siento mucho se mi castellano no es bastante bueno poreque hace mucho que no tengo oportunidad de practicar. La vedrad es no se que son las deferencias entre el Espanol de Espana que aprendi y el Espanol que se habla en America del Sud. A proposito, me fascina mucho saber algo de la historia de Peru. El video que tienes en la pagina tuia es muy interesante. I think we may be able to collaborate on one f the topics that you are interested in. I'll leave that till later :-) thanks again y hasta pronto --Maha (PinkSamurai) 21:02, 2 June 2009 (UTC)

PinkSamurai (talk)09:02, 3 June 2009

Dear Maha thank you so much for your kind words. When I started at Wikieducator there were beautiful people who helped me and guided me and continue encouranging me in my participation at WikiEducator. So I decided to do the same and try to help new members and make them feel confortable and relax :). Su español es realmente bueno y muchísimo mejor que mi English. La felicito!!! Las mayores diferencias entre el Español de España y Sudamérica se encuentra en el vocabulario y algunas diferencias en la pronunciación, pero la gramática es la misma. Es un honor saber que le interesa conocer más sobre la historia del Perú. Trataré de poner más información y fotos. Quedo a su disposición para cualquier idea de colaboración. It is a pleasure to see your progress and read your interesting comments and questions. I am more than happy to colaborate with you at any time. And some flowers for you from Peru.... :) Warm regards --Alejacha 23:18, 3 June 2009 (UTC)

Alejacha (talk)11:18, 4 June 2009

Hi. Thank you for being my neighbor.

Vukasinbvasic (talk)20:41, 9 June 2009

Hello Vukasin, I'm happy that we can collaborate and learn at WikiEducator. All the best--Alejacha 15:12, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

Alejacha (talk)03:12, 10 June 2009