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Good point about keeping the pages consistent and not garish, but still rich in media content.

Do any of you have a relatively current Review of the Literature on our topic? Who are the recognized experts in the field?

Is Malcolm Knowles still relevant?

What is a good starting place to read about current practices and trends in Adult Education?


"The last [section OF THE CALPDP] contains the complete, archived database of the former ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education, which closed its doors in December 2003. You may search this database and download or print these publications."

I do not have access to university proprietary databases.

Is something like this helpful to our project? Helping Adult Education Students Reach Their Goals

It would be helpful to me to know the keywords/buzzwords/jargon specific to adult education, in order to perform online searches for resources.

Are there government agencies publishing free resources?

Redcamarocruiser (talk)01:31, 9 December 2009

I found a free government resource at Link to Home Page U.S. Department of Education, which has am Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) National Activities Initiative. I will post this link to the resources page, and ou can evaluate it, if it is good enough, or delete it if it is not appropriate to this project.

Redcamarocruiser (talk)05:31, 9 December 2009